I first had the idea of a Blockchain book about my own crypto journey many months ago, but the months went by with me trying out one approach after another and waiting for a perfect moment, never actually settling down to write it. My crypto journey is extremely unique, to begin with, and I found it hard to figure out exactly what I should say about it and I didn't feel comfortable sharing my story.
At a certain point, though, I decided that I should just write honestly about my journey and stick to my own style. I figured that was the only way to get going, and I started writing the book, bit by bit in the summer of 2022. I don't want to set any deadline when I wanted to finish but I commit myself to finish writing.
I'm hesitant to start writing this book (series of blogs) on the Hive blockchain. So I have to tell myself few things so that I can write with ease and stick to my own style.
I'm writing this book to myself so I can read and extract value that will massively help my future self. Even if just one person gets very little value from reading this book and I will be genuinely happy but my intention is to write the book I want to read. I will treat this as a personal journal like the book Meditation by Marcus Aurelius.
I'm aiming to have 777 little blogs in no particular order and I still have to number them so I can keep track of my journal.
It was the summer of 2018, I was living in Fukuoka, Japan. I went all-in with crypto almost a year ago. There was lots of excitement in the first year because I was learning a lot and going all-in paid off financially. By trial and error, I figured out a way to become an investor in the first year of managing almost 55 different cryptocurrencies. Once I made my money, I wanted to help others to gain their financial freedom through crypto and so I made the decision to sell half of my crypto holding and bought more Steem just a few months ago.
I started steem as a hobby and naturally, I got pulled into Steem as I saw my involvement is positively impacting many content creators. My wife became pregnant and my first child was about to be born in a few months. So I wanted to reduce my involvement with steem even though I had half of my portfolio in Steem. Thanks to the DApps like Dtube, Dlive, Musing and SteepShot because I was able to delegate my steem power to them.
There was this pivotal moment when Dlive exited our community and most of the community was really frustrated by the Dlive deciding to leave Steem. I was preparing to reduce my involvement with Steem and focus on preparing to become Dad and support my wife. I reacted by cancelling all my delegations to the DApps because I feared other dApps might do the same. After cancelling the DLive delegation, I went for a little walk outside. A few minutes later I arrived at the Seven11 convenience store nearby our apartment. As I walk I had many different ideas that came to me about what I can do with Crypto and especially with Steem. So I asked myself why I invested in the Steem DApps in the first place. Then I told myself I can directly invest in the content creators instead.
I think had more than 100K steem power at that time, so as I walk I was figuring out what is the best way to delegate my Steem power. I looked at the sky and looked around me. I saw seven from the Seven11 store and saw the simple perfectly clear blue sky. The universe sends me the answer and It’s 777.
I happily returned home and start delegating Steem power equally between almost 100 different creators. I feel this is the moment when 777 was born.
I am not sure what month exactly but I'm pretty sure it was in the year 2014, I heard about Bitcoin for the first time. 2014 was probably the best year in my life so far at least for 2 main reasons. One is I got my British citizenship after 11 years of living in the UK and the second one is I was able to quit my co-operate job and started to work for myself for the first time. Special Thanks to AirBnb which led me to become a freelancer by becoming a AirBnb host.
A couple who travelled to London from California stayed in my apartment for 2 days, And we spent one evening and had dinner together. Both of them were extremely passionate about Bitcoin and why it's one of the most powerful things that got invented after the internet. They explained to me everything about Bitcoin for 3 hours and I was convinced that I'm going to get into Bitcoin as soon as possible.
The couple checked out the next day. I told myself that I'm genuinely happy with being an AirBnb host and let me focus on being the best Host I can be and providing good value to my guest.
This book is about me and crypto. So I don't want to talk about things that are not related to crypto too much.
I never bought any Bitcoin nor did more research on it up until 2017. Many things happened in my personal life since 2014 and I finally bought a few Bitcoins and ETH in early 2017.
Coming next.. 775
I'm looking forward to meeting our global community in person with Hive Festival 7 in Amsterdam in September.
Thank you!