Happiness is free...

Image from my personal gallery

Happiness is free...

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I did not have a good or optimal Saturday, on the contrary, quite eventful and chaotic. That's why, when my only brother and sister-in-law invited me to go for a walk around some towns in Sucre state, I didn't hesitate to say yes: in bad weather, a walk on the beach is the solution.

So I put on my bathing suit, took my glasses and got in the car. We left at about 11 a.m., with no plan and no fixed direction.
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The weather was ideal for a day at the beach, but as we got on the road, we realized that we had no reason to stay in one place and waste the opportunity to visit more remote towns.

Right now, in Venezuela, an oil country, there are problems with the gasoline supply, but my brother managed to buy dollarized gasoline and with a full tank of gas, we could drive to the moon. hahaha. Well, not to the moon, but we could go quite a few miles.


While my brother was behind the wheel, we were remembering the many times we made that trip as a family, guided by my father, who always told us stories of the places or things we saw. Just like in the past, we would stop to buy some local candy, a beer for the heat or just to take a picture.
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One of the places we wanted to visit was “Los Chorritos”, a place where there are hot springs. Even though it was Sunday, there were not many people and most of the people there were locals, not tourists.

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One of the nice things about traveling is that you get to know places and people. In the state of Sucre, people are very friendly, outgoing and trusting. Whatever little or a lot they have, they put it at your disposal, even if they have just met you at that moment.

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I remember when we were traveling as a family, my parents would bring bread with ham and cheese and juice, to snack on the way. We didn't need anything else to be joyful.

Yesterday, after the long ride, we were exhausted, but happy. How many times we wait for an “ideal” moment to go out and that moment never comes. Seeing people who have little and still smile is one of the most sobering experiences in life. Let's stop complaining, happiness is free.

# ##### The images are from my personal gallery and the text was translated with Deepl
Thank you for reading and commenting. Until a future reading, friends
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