An Optimist, Crystal Therapist, Life Coach, Member of #Thealliance, #Ecotrain, #IndiaUnited, #EarthTribe, #DolphinCouncil & #NaturalMedicine Groups.
Mumbai, India
Something that we ignore the most in our life is our own-self. We get so busy in taking care of everyone around us and everything around us that our own-self takes a back seat in it. In our life at every stage, we have responsibilities and we cannot ignore them but does that mean we ignore our own-self? There are so many women who get so busy taking care of their children, parents, husband and the day to day domestic issues and in all of this bargain the most that gets impacted is her own health and well-being.
Last night was full moon and my favorite time of the month. I enjoy the energy of this night and always try to work with it whenever possible. Not every full-moon night I am able to do it but whenever possible I do the full moon meditation and soak up in the energy of the moon. A day before and a day after the full moon, I am extra careful with my diet and routines. I avoid drinking and even consuming non-vegetarian food on these days. It's nothing wrong, by doing this I am trying to keep my body light as much as possible so that I am in a better receptive state of the moon energies.
Our human nature is very weird, we always desire what we do not have, as it is said, grass is always green on the other side. People from villages want to come to the city and people from city want to get back to villages. Since the time I have my house here in the mountain area, I just do not feel like going back to the city. I love to live here even if I am all by myself. I spend a lot of time in the garden and taking nature walks.
It's been a bright sunny morning and I have been so much in awe of my garden with all the plants that have been growing. It's been quite a lot of learning for me in this space. When I share pictures of my Garden on my Insta story, I get tips from my friends on doing certain things that will help my garden grow. I am trying to implement the ones which I feel will work for my garden after doing some research.
Tapping into the energy of Crystals and working with them is real fun, I actually feel like I am communicating with someone when I am around with Crystals. It is one of my favorite things and I like to spend a lot of time with them whenever possible. Yesterday I visited my friend's Crystal store, I had nothing particular in mind, I wanted to go and check randomly, which I keep doing on and off. He has a very big store and variety of Crystals. Not just raw crystals but lot of things made of Crystals, like show pieces and jewelry. Also when I do readings for some of my clients and they want Crystals then I come to this store to buy them. Yesterday's visit was a mix of both, I had some client requirements and I also wanted to take a look at the new collections. Every time I visit the store there are new things and they are all so attractive that I feel like buying them all, but then I have to check my pocket as well, because Crystals are expensive.
Today let me share with you all some information about my culture and religion, which is the Zoroastrian religion. I am not going to talk anything much about the religion but I am going to share information about the traditions we follow. Zoroastrian religion is not a very famous and known religion, not many people around the world even know that it exists. We are the most minority religion of the world. The religion has a origin from Iran but in the 8th century they had to flee from there to save the religion from Arab conquest and from that time onwards the majority population is based in India and the ones who still are in Iran are known as Iranis.