Glitches in Days Gone.

After playing numerous video games, I came to this conclusion that glitches are parts of the video games. Glitches were in the video games, are in the video games and will be in the video games.
Through my play in Days Gone, I faced some cool glitches over time and I saved most of them to talk about them in a separate post and here I am.
When I was exploring Belknap Visitor Camp, I noticed some deer and I managed to shot down one of them and look how it was after I shot it down.
I went to collect the meat of the dear and I noticed Deacon's left leg went through the deer which is a funny glitch for sure. Fortunately, the leg wasn't stuck in there.
I was attacking some freakers after getting down from a big tower and when I was taking that freaker down, it lost its head that you can see flying away but he still had another head on his body. Did he have twin heads? Lol.
And this man was a hard catch. When I was chasing him, his troops was attacking me and when I stopped him perfectly, I noticed he was floating and then stuck in there.
How funny! That freaker was holding her whole body using his head after I took her down.
I was shooting down some marauders in a mission and when I was done taking down everyone, I noticed this man's body was stuck there like this.
How cool! I was stabbing the freaker and I went through his body. Not just the knife, Deacon's body parts also stabbed through the freaker.
I often run over freakers while riding the bike but it was quite different this time as you can see the freaker went through my body and I was dragging him along with me.
It was just a random day when I was butchering some freakers for fun and then I noticed one of them went inside another.
And then not only the weapon, but also my hands went through that freaker. Was Deacon trying to get the freakers heart out or what? lol.
I guess this is the coolest glitch I've found till now. I was trying to capture some cool photos of the cougar jumping on me but suddenly this thing happened. The cougar jumped and took me inside her. Do I look like half man and half cougar there? hahaha.
I didn't kill these freakers, a wild infected beer did. And when I went to collect the bounties after taking down the infected beer, I found them like this. Part of their bodies were buried when parts of them were floating.
And that's all I wished to talk about in this post. Stay tuned so you don't miss what I'll show later in this Gaming Photography community.

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