I was going for a mission for sure but I stopped on my way seeing a Marauder camp at a Nero outpost. I used a Breaker against the living and then I was trying to loot the place quietly but I ended up getting myself a horde on my back.
I had to meet Colonel Garret to work on a mission so I met him in his cave office where he told me tale of his childhood when they used to look for caves like this. Then he said the soldier who used to be assigned to Lieutenant Whitaker and Weaver has gone AWOL.
The man didn't just escape, he broke into the Colonel's office and stole his personal copy of the Holy Bible that he wants returned.
I was unsure where to go for it so I was running around the cave to get out but I unwillingly went to Weaver's office where he asked me to check his new home.
Then Weaver requested me to bring him an MP3 player with some earbuds as he was looking for some entertainment.
I was riding towards a spot tagged on my map hoping this is the one that the colonel tagged for me and suddenly I noticed this wild bear not far from the camp and I shot the bear with some bullets but I didn't kill it.
I kept driving and suddenly I noticed this gap on the broken bridge where I went for a big jump and I knew I was not going to make it but somehow I made it as I landed on a broken part of the bridge on the other side.
Then suddenly I noticed some marauders ahead at a NERO outpost so I took cover there first and then I heard and found a Breaker not so far from the camp. I had this plan of luring the breaker into the camp and use him to take down all the marauders there.
My plan worked well and I didn't even have to do much works, only throwing some stones helped. The breaker noticed the marauders so it ran to the camp and the marauders tried hard to take the breaker down but they were no match against that monster.
Then I went inside the outpost and climbed up on a roof to attack the breaker being on the cover. When I was about to attack the breaker, some runner (infected wolves) came over to attack the breaker.
When the monsters were fighting among themselves, I threw some grenades on them first that killed the wolves first and then I used a molotov at last on the breaker after already taking down most of its health and it died.
Before coming down, I noticed another runner that came around so I shot it down from the roof.
Then I started cutting down all the speakers around the camp as I was gonna activate the electric supply there.
After cutting all the speakers that I noticed around, I looked for a fuel tank and I found one. Then I noticed these bodies of the freakers inside a tent that the NERO team was researching on.
I activated the generator and understood I didn't cut all the speakers so it should attract zombies so I went inside a pod fast where I found a NERO syringe that I used to increase my stamina.
Then I came out of the pod and I started shooting down the freakers that came hearing the loud noise. Suddenly I noticed couple breakers were heading towards me so I decided to escape the place but then I noticed a horde was behind me.
My bike was a little far so it was hard getting there but I reached the bike somehow but I couldn't escape as the horde got me and took me down.
And that's all I wished to talk about in this post. Stay tuned so you don't miss what I'll show later in this Gaming Photography community.
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