5 minute freewrite 2685 prompt make it coincide


This is my post for #freewriters 2685 prompt make it coincide hosted by @mariannewest
Last night my husband told me that we needed to leave the house at 8 this morning to get to my appointment on time, I said ok and thought he was thinking of the morning work hour traffic. We got there in 20 minutes and I said we still had 30 minutes until my appointment, he said no you have 10 minutes. He said I told him it was at 8:30 but I know I told him 8:50.
So I was a little early to see the vascular surgeon. When they called me about the test results she told me that I had a blockage and I was to come in and discuss rates.
When it came time to see him he was asking me about tests other doctors have run and when I told him I had an angiogram he excused himself from the room and was gone for quite a while. When he returned he told me he looked at all of my test results and the area that he thinks is causing the trouble can not be seen in any of the images. SOOOOOO, I get to take another test. This time it is something like an MRI, I forget what he called it but he is checking the arteries that come up from my heart, or I think that is what he said.
I will go have this test done but I hope they do not make it coincide with other doctor appointments, I really do not like to reschedule things.

After getting home from the doctor my sister picked me up and we went to the house our oldest sister is renting, she is down until the weather warms up north. The other sister from up north came down a few days ago so all 5 of us were together today.
When we left and pulled back into Mom's house, a gopher turtle was eating grass in the yard. My sister said, "You know, back in my crack days people would trade gopher turtles for a crack rock. She said she could have gotten a rock for it. I laughed but I would have never thought you could get drugs that way.
photos are mine