This is my post for #freewriters 2679 prompt
myth busting hosted by
@mariannewestI have always heard old people say, and now that I am old, I can say it, "Back in my day" we did not have the internet so when we were told an old wives tale we believed it, or some of us believed.
When I was pregnant with my first there were several things I tried so I would know if I was having a boy or a girl, this was before ultrasounds.
We put my wedding ring on a string and if it swung in one direction it meant I was having a girl, the other direction was for a boy, I forget which way it swung but I had a girl. In May it will be 50 years ago.
There was also the saying if you carry your baby high you will have a girl, low for a boy. I carried my first high. Everyone believed this one until we got the myth busting internet.
The internet says the shape of your belly bump depends on how your baby lays in the uterus, they say if the baby lays sideways you will have a wide belly.
I found this little tidbit, I did not know that there are 4 types of myths
Historical are myths that give greater significance to an event than what it really was, if it even really happened at all.
An example of this myth is Napoleon Bonaparte was short. I guess he was not short and they say this was something the British made up about him.
Morality are myths that explain how to act.
A morality myth example would be to tell about Sirens and how they lured sailors to their doom, they myth is about teaching self control from their desires.
Psychological are myths that tell about a hero's journey from the known to the unknown.
These are beliefs about human behavior but no scientific evidence.
Medusa with her hair of snakes is a good one for this.
Trickster are myths that feature trickers. I would have never guessed that one. haha.
These myths portray someone or something to be good but in the in they have bad intentions.
But the truth be told the one person who is good at myth busting is my husband, he loves to prove my old wives tales to be wrong and who does he go to to prove this? The internet, that is who. I like to believe in the old sayings not because I think of them as truth but as something that has been passed down for generations and can be fun to think about.