On the 10th of May, 1987. Julia and her cousin, Monique had gone to the grocery store in the major city to buy a box of chocolates which they wanted to present to Rookie on her birthday. The Rookie's birthday is around the corner. She celebrates a low-key birthday in her parent's house every year. This year isn't going to be different. Monique, who only came to visit Julia for the long vacation break from school, knew most brands of chocolate. Her presence at the grocery store is to help Julia in making the right choice for a good chocolate brand.
As they walked to the store, Monique spoke of how she has an undying desire for chocolate such that she has a box in her hostel apartment every time.
When they reached the store, there were many brands of chocolate. For Monique, Mr. Jeff's chocolate box was the best because it has a strand of jam in the middle of each chunk. But Julia would rather opt for Yale chocolate because it was the most advertised brand.
Their final option was to take a box of each of the brands. Monique was the one that brought the idea.
Let's go for a box of each of our choice brands of chocolate then.
Julia answered in the affirmative
Maybe you will get to have a bite of Yale's chocolate today and finally have a changed mind.
They both talked tough, defending their choice of chocolate.
Since you will be presenting one box to a Rookie, why not get one for yourself?
Alright then, I would get one more box for myself and you do likewise.
After paying for the boxes of chocolate, the ladies walked home with joy written all over them. Monique cannot wait to begin munching Mr. Jeff's brand of chocolate. As soon as they entered their home, Julia opened her box of chocolate and kept one that she would be giving to Rookie as a birthday present but to her utmost surprise, she saw bales of wrapped dollar currency.
Monique, see what I found in my box of chocolate.
Monique who had been inside the bedroom to change her dress rushed out only to find the cash stack on the center table.
Where did you get this huge money from
Monique asked as she put on a scarf around her head.
In the chocolate box. There isn't any chocolate in the box except this cash.
Julia was feeling unrest. She looked like she was troubled.
We have to return to the store to give them this money, it doesn't belong to us.
Monique laughed hysterically.
You must be joking. You want to throw away a lifetime opportunity of becoming rich and famous.
Julia could not place it. How could Monique think of becoming wealthy on another man's sweat?
They both sat quietly, each one thinking of what to say next. Then, a knock on the door reawakens their consciousness. Monique rushed to the opened box of money, packed it, and then threw it under the sofa while Julia went to get the door.
Hey! Rookie.
Julia exclaimed as she was so surprised to see the birthday girl. She held her hand and introduced her to Monique.
I hope to be at your birthday party tomorrow.
Monique said jokingly. She sat directly opposite the sofa, where she could have a view of the box of money.
After the short visit, Rookie left and the girls continued their arguments on whether to return or keep the money.
That night, they both couldn't sleep. Julia was just rolling back and forth on the bed while Monique kept staring at the ceiling. She would get some chocolate and eat it since insomnia won't free her to catch sleep.
It was almost daybreak when Julia dozed off. She snores like a giant pig after a hard day's work. It wasn't until past midday that she woke up. By then, Monique had thought of what she would buy with her share of the money if Julia finally agreed that they keep it. On the other hand, Monique thought that Julia may never change her mind. Hence, she thought of removing some dollar notes from each bale of dollar notes.
Soon, the ladies were prepared for the party. Julia wore a wine-colored dinner gown while Monique dyed her hair pink and knickers, making her look more urban than those who were at the party.
They danced to the rhythm of LL Cool Jay's songs but Monique was all about the money. While the party was on, the girls went in to meet Rookie and presented her with their gifts. When she saw that the same floor had been crowded, Monique sneaked back home and divided the money into two halves. She kept one half for herself and then kept one in the box and where they found the cash and then returned to join others at the party. They partied till late evening and returned home, tipsy.
As soon as they entered their house, reminiscing about what had transpired at the party, police officers came knocking at their door.
Detective Cooper. Julia and Monique, where are the chocolate boxes you bought at Dreyley Grocery Stores?
The two girls looked dumbfounded. Monique, seeing that they had been busted, took the first half and merged it with the second and presented it to the police officer.
One of the sales boys at the stores had hidden the money in the box with the intention to run away with it. But fate fell against him. He could not locate which box he hid the money. Julia and Monique were the only customers who bought Yale and Dr Jeff's brand of chocolate that day. So, the police had no difficulty tracing them. Julia was so pained that she could not return the box filled with money because of the greed exhibited by her cousin, Monique. Now, they both have to suffer the terms of such a crime together.