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Joined in 12, 2017
· 2 hours ago

Saludos NFTGamers, para este social media challenge les comparto el resumen de mis batallas entre gremios, la llamada Brawl. Esta semana hubo muy poca participación de mi gremio, solo 5 jugadores incluyéndome, nos fue mejor que la semana anterior y como gremio obtuvimos el cuarto lugar, no esta mal, normalmente quedamos de tercer lugar. Hablando de la clasificación de los participantes de mi gremio, el primer lugar lo obtuvo @pepeymeli, yo obtuve el segundo lugar, y el tercer lugar lo obtuvo @buiitre, felicidades equipo por participar. Mis ganancias fueron 277 MERITOS y 14.170 SPS, aun no completo la cantidad de MERITOS para comprar un pack Gladius pero creo que gastaré algunos GLINT para abrir un pack.Es curioso, debía tener 9 batallas pero solo se activo una, es decir, 8 batallas fueron canceladas por falta de jugadores. ahora entiendo porque logré el segundo lugar XD. This week there was very little participation from my guild, only 5 players including me, we did better than the previous week and as a guild we got the fourth place, not bad, normally we are in third place. Talking about the ranking of the participants of my guild, the first place was obtained by @pepeymeli, I got the second place, and the third place was obtained by @buiitre, congratulations team for participating. My earnings were 277 MERITS and 14,170 SPS, I still don't complete the amount of MERITS to buy a Gladius pack but I think I will spend some GLINT to open a pack.It's funny, I was supposed to have 9 battles but only one was activated, that is, 8 battles were cancelled due to lack of players. Now I understand why I got the second place XD. |

· 3 days ago

▶️ This is the second part of my foray into the Te Awaroa National Park animal reserve in The Hunter Call of the Wild. By now we were very happy because we had hunted a lot of animals and our wallets were filling up with money with every animal hunted, we no longer cared about the sex of the animal, we were shooting everything that moved to get more money. It was funny to see how the bugs were present, much more than in any other reserve, in fact, I think we had never seen so many bugs in any reserve, many of them very funny, for example, a demonic goat, another goat running under the ground where you could only see its horns, many animals remained still after receiving a lethal shot and were slowly bleeding out as if nothing, others were running in one place in the same place like Michael Jackson dance style (we have seen this in other reserves, it is very common). Anyway, these bugs can be annoying but some are fun and others can be exploited, the best bug in the game is sometimes the herd animals do not act with the shots and we can kill them all in a moment. We were doing some parkour which has already become a habit, and in the search for the diamond we could get a good amount of diamond trophies, however we do not lose hope, I have interest that my colleague perceval can get his second diamond very soon. I hope you like this video, soon I will share with you the third and last part of this hunting trip in this crazy reserve. By the way, I am grateful to the photographer who took the photo on the cover, @perceval excellent service.A estas alturas ya estábamos muy contentos porque habíamos cazado muchos animales y nuestras carteras estaban llenándose de dinero con cada animal cazado, ya no nos importaba el sexo

· 5 days ago

Como he dicho en otras de mis publicaciones, Splinterlands cuenta con batallas donde hay ciertas reglas o condiciones, por ejemplo en algunas batallas no se pueden utilizar cartas de ataque mágico, o de algún otro tipo de ataque, también hay reglas que colocan cosas negativas como terremotos que bajan la salud de todas las cartas no voladoras en cada turno, entre otras, hay una regla donde solo se pueden utilizar cartas impares con la llamada regla Odd Ones Out. Todo esto agrega un desafío adicional en los enfrentamientos.Esta semana les estaré compartiendo una batalla con esta regla Odd Ones Out. As I have said in other of my publications, Splinterlands has battles where there are certain rules or conditions, for example in some battles you can not use magic attack cards, or any other type of attack, there are also rules that place negative things like earthquakes that lower the health of all non-flying cards each turn, among others, there is a rule where you can only use odd cards with the so-called Odd Ones Out rule. All this adds an additional challenge in the confrontations.This week I will be sharing a battle with this Odd Ones Out rule. ⚜️CARTAS ELEGIDAS Y POSICIONES / CARDS AND POSITIONS⚜️Esta batalla contaba con un gasto de mana de 22 puntos y las reglas de batalla; Equalizer la cual dicta que todos los monstruos tienen la misma cantidad de salud, y la regla protagonista Odd Ones Out, la cual solo permite utilizar cartas impares. Mi adversario eligió el elemento de agua con un invocador que resta un punto de magia, centrando su ataque en la magia con un par de cartas fuertes incluyendo una que tiene la habilidad de resucitar una carta caída. Por mi parte les muestro mis cartas elegidas y posiciones: This battle had a mana expenditure of 22 points and

· 7 days ago

▶️ Greetings HiveGamers. The Hunter Call of the Wild has 15 reserves to explore and each reserve has a considerable size, it takes many hours of play to explore a reserve completely, this is why I have many reserves pending to explore even though I have a year playing it, in fact this month I have completed it, the day I installed this game was July 02 of the year 2023, but the thing is that despite that year of play I have barely played a few reserves, so I'll be exploring the others to see what they offer without waiting any longer. For example, Sundarpatan Nepal as soon as it was released I went running to try it, although it is not a bad reservation, I must confess that there are others that I have liked more, maybe I have not explored it enough or maybe yes, so far I have not liked it so much, I consider that it is very difficult and uncomfortable compared to other reservations. Anyway, today I want to share with you a gameplay exploring for the first time the Te Awaroa National Park reserve, it had been recommended to me several times and I must say that it is very good, I liked it a lot, there is a lot of action, it resembles a little bit to the Silver Ridge Peaks reserve but with less heavy animals. For this exploration I was accompanied by my colleague @perceval who will also be playing it for the first time. As soon as we entered the map the shooting began and the war against the fallow deer, there are many, as well as common deer, we could see a couple of these creatures of mythical level, which is quite difficult to get, in other reserves we have not seen any mythical and less some legendary, but in this a few minutes of exploring we could kill a mythical and later also, although although they are mythical it is not sure that they are diamond trophies which is what we are looking for to place in our trophy huts. It was funny to see some errors in the game, you may notice that there was a d
