Student's protests in my country continue. I haven't written about it in a while, but everything is still ongoing and growing. Most people think it will be over on Saturday, but we will see. For those who don't know, there are protests in my country for months now, fighting corruption.
In this post, I will share photos from Nis. The protest in Nis was called "Student edict". Maybe I didn't mention it before, but since the big protest in Novi Sad, many students are now walking to other places in the country, and they walk many km and for days. The same was in Nis. Day before protest many students came after so many days of walking, including my 2 friends, and that is why we went there day before, to greet them. In the morning, protest started early, 9 am. The plan was to gather from 4 points and walk to the center to meet there before 12. On our starting point, there were so many bikers.
I was amazed by the amount of people, but it was hard to tell how many were there since people were in many places in the town, and coming during all day, as protest lasted till night. You could see old, young, poor, rich, kids, parents, grandparents, teachers, students, dogs... all together fighting for same reason and with same goal.
In each city for protests, what is amazing to me, it energy. All these people are sad and angry and tired of life we had so far, but everyone is also happy to see there are many people finally ready to fight against it, so there is hope. Hope for better tomorrow.
What is also similar in all these cities is that everyone is welcomed with a lot of great food, but the amount and diversity of food in Nis, it was unbelievable. There was even gluten-free food in a couple of places. I didn't even take photo of everything, but there was hardly something you want to eat, and it's possible to bring or make on the street, that you wouldn't find there.
Stewards are very important part of each protest to keep everything in order and with no incidents. It was same this time, and they did amazing job specially because a lot of roads had separated line so that bikers can go there later.
What was also impressive to me this time, was amount of flags and banners, there were sooo many, and also they were so creative. I may even make new post just about them in order to explain each.
All photos are taken using Sony alpha 6400 or Samsung S20.
Thank you for reading my post ^^