This weekend I was back in Belgrade, and in part of the town that I wasn't before. It's relatively new estate, with many buildings and everything needed to function (playgrounds, restaurants, pharmacy...). It's called Stepa Stepanovic. Now that I checked, it's 11 years old, but I am pretty sure some of those buildings are very new. Anyway, I noticed there are a nice kids mural. I don't know if these are specific kids, it seems so, but beside their happy faces, the mural contains a couple of words that send out to me, such as "live", "imagine", "laugh". It's a really nice and colorful mural, I think made for the kids that live near.
I took a couple photos of it, some close up, so you can see details better, but the first photo is my entry for the contest.
All photos are taken using Samsung S20 and edited using Snapseed application.
Thank you for reading my post ^^