The Reverse Speed rule isn't one of my favorites in Splinterlands, but whenever I have to battle with it, the land deck is my favorite choice because there are great cards with low attack speed.
In the Reverse Speed rule, monsters with lower attack speed will attack first and will have the greatest chance of dodging attacks.
To be honest, I don't really like this rule because most of the strategies and monsters I like to use have high attack speed, but I need to adapt to all the battle rules in Splinterlands and in the Reverse Speed rule my strategy is to use monsters that have low attack speed.
This battle is a good example of the type of strategy I like to use in the Reverse Speed rule, in it there are 2 more rules which are High Five and Heavy Hitters.
In the
High Five rule, players can only use a maximum of 5 monsters in battle.

In the Heavy Hitters rule, monsters receive the Knock Out ability, which means they will deal double damage against targets that are Stunned.
My focus in this battle is only on the Reverse Speed rule because I don't consider the High Five and Heavy Hitters rules very important, so let's go to the strategy I used for this battle.
As I mentioned before, my strategy was to use monsters that have low attack speed and as you can see in the battle image, most of my monsters have 1 attack speed, which means they have a good chance of attacking first and also a good chance of dodging attacks.
- The Summoner I chose for the battle was Immortalis, I consider him very useful because he will decrease the life of all enemy monsters by -1 and grant the Void and Shatter abilities to allied monsters.
The Void ability makes monsters take only half damage against magic attacks.
The Shatter ability makes monsters destroy the armor of the enemy monster they attack.
The Pelacor Mercenary was the monster I selected to defend in the first position, it doesn't have low attack speed but it is a great defense because it has a lot of life and the Flying and Heal abilities.
The Spirit Hoarder was the monster I selected for the second position, it has low life but is very useful for healing backline monsters with its Triage ability and it also has the Blind ability, which means it will decrease the chance of enemy monsters hitting the attack by -15%.
The Queen Mycelia is the monster I selected for the third position, it also has the Triage ability and it will grant +2 shield to all allied monsters with its Protect ability.
The Doctor Blight is the monster I selected for the fourth position, it doesn't have any support abilities but it's a great monster for dealing damage because it can poison its targets and cut off their healing.
The Goblin Tower is the monster I selected for the fifth position, it's my biggest source of damage in this battle because it has 4 ranged attacks and the Blast ability, which means it will deal additional damage to monsters adjacent to the monster it dealt damage to.
In this battle my opponent also tried to take advantage of the Reverse Speed rule and used several monsters with low attack speed, but my strategy was a little better and I was the one who came out victorious in this battle.
One of the big differences in this battle was choosing Doctor Blight because he was the one who managed to defend me at the end of the battle. He may seem weak at first, but he becomes very useful because of his Scavenger ability, which increases his life by +1 when a monster is defeated (whether it's an allied or enemy monster). So, by the time he reaches the first position, he'll have a lot of life and will become a great defense.
This is one of my strategies for the Reverse Speed rule with the Earth deck. In any deck, my focus is always to select the monsters that have the lowest attack speed.
In every battle in Splinterlands it is important to look at the rules because they make a big difference in the battle and if you use them to your advantage, your chances of victory will increase a lot.