Greetings Splinterlands Warriors! It's been a long time since we have posted a development update. We haven't posted as much because most of the developments were in the backend and only for performance optimization. Recently we have developed some awesome tools and made updates to the existing tools! :)

I have received countless requests from regular MonsterMaker users to give them a tool to check/verify and keep track of their recent sales and spendings. This tool is not new from MM, but was available on Splinterlands main website for a while. But we have made more information available for the users.
It will show cards name, ID, level, BCX, card's image, transaction ID, buyer, seller, estimated cashback if the buyer used MonsterMarket.

This is MonsterMarket's in-house tool. It shows market usage for 3 of the most prominent Splinterlands markets -
@splinterlands, and
@splinterlandsThe tool has two sections - in the first one, it shows the daily USD transaction volume for each market in a graph.

The second section shows a table with the last 30 days worth of data for each market. Data includes cards sold, USD volume, DEC volume, and revenue generated by the market. In the case of MonsterMarket, we share 60% of the revenue with the buyer instantly.
If you run a market and want your data to be presented here, please contact us on our
Existing Tools Update
As we are now operating on Hive Blockchain and to keep up with the new developments of Splinterlands, our tools also needed to be updated.
From the Analyze Openings and Cost Estimator, we have removed STEEM and SBD, it will only show USD and DEC cost/value.
Price History tool will give you an option to view 30 days, 60 days, and 180 days price history for a card. previously it was only 30 days.
Analyze Rewards tool received a lot of bug fixes which were reported by
@byzantinist and
@byzantinistWebsite Update
We have updated a lot of text copies of the website to better reflect the current operating conditions, also updated visuals for the Starter Packs and Booster Packs page.
In Card's modal, we are showing fees for every card as all users now can list cards for lower than the standard market fee of 5%.
Thank you for being with MonsterMarket! :)
Why use MonsterMarket.io?
We are sharing 60% our revenue from the card sales with the buyers. All cashbacks are instant. You don't have to wait or purchase a set amount to get better cashbacks.
If you have any suggestions or there is a problem please reach out to us in
We are running a Hive Witness as @BDCommunity.
Please vote for @BDCommunity as a witness.