The week flew by so swiftly - I will not complain about that. Actually, the whole month of February was like a moment in time. I can hardly recall much about particular days or weeks or maybe I do not want to remember. The weekdays are sort of blurred with each other but I do recall my weekends.
Here we are - already on 1 March and it's started off well because it starts on the weekend. I knew I had a full day ahead but one that I’ve been looking forward to. For some strange reason, I woke up at 5:30 am this morning - but I went back to sleep. I could not believe that I slept until almost 10 am. I slowly got started by enjoying a nice big cup of Pukka chai tea - then got ready to start the day. By the time I looked around it was 11:26.
It is Saturday after all, so sleeping in is ok. My oldest, who is at university, called to say that she will drop by to say goodbye on the way to the airport. She will be en route to Dublin with friends, to see a Sabrina Carpenter concert. Unfortunately, although a nice gesture, her last minute decision did not fit with my day. She understood but when I got off the phone, I wondered why she wanted to see us before departing.
I decided to start the planting season with the Makkelijke Moestuin (Easy Home Gardening) community. I bought all my supplies from them and also use their app. Although not necessary, I was mentally committed to starting my terrace garden today and could see in my mind's eye - many others doing the same. This is my 4th year, and I recall that 2 years ago I skipped the start date and I procrastinated - hence starting 2 weeks later. Not this season however.
When I stepped outside, the sun was out but it was 6 degrees Celsius - a nice “fresh” temperature for me to work in. As I looked over to the garden - it all looked daunting.

However, thinking with the end in mind - I envisaged summer and a lush green home garden - so I changed my attitude immediately. Usually my oldest daughter assists me to get the garden started but in her absence - it was time to roll up my sleeves and get to work.
The first order of business was to relieve the soil, in the table garden, of the weeds and old plants. Thereafter, it was tilling the soil and adding the needed “cow dung” fertilizer. In the meanwhile my daughter called again to say - that she was running late - so it was good that I did not change my plans. It was comforting to hear - as I wondered why she needed to hug us goodbye; she's made frequent trips where she did not see us beforehand.
Anyway, I am digressing - back to the garden. I spent about 2 hours doing this task but had to stop to get ready to watch my son’s football match. Luckily, it was a home match - we did not have far to go.

The field was in the shadow of this “organic” building - hence we were colder than those on other fields. The team played well and soon it was 2-0. After falling twice - my son left the match before half-time - luckily it was not a major injury. As it got colder in the shadows and knowing that we have a dinner guest at 18:00 - I could have left but with only a handful of supporters - I stayed to cheer the team on. They won 3-0.
After the match, we did not linger to socialise. Rick would arrive in 1 ½ hours. I had ample time to prepare the appetiser and side dishes. It's the weekend - time to relax - eat comforting meals - no stress. Therefore, I made the Beef Stew on Friday evening as I know the taste is better the next day.
Rick arrived with these gorgeous flowers.

I was most grateful. He has been our family friend for more than 2 decades. We reminded our teenagers that once upon a time they were not on a first name basis but called him Uncle Rick. I am not sure when they stopped. Soon we started with this fish dish.

It was accompanied by a thai salad and dressing - my version. This is the only food photo that I have because the hostess - me - was also the chef. The beef stew with mashed potatoes was delicious and definitely a hit. Conversation flowed freely and plentiful but not the libations. Rick had a few drinks but was very aware of his 40 minutes drive home thereafter. Dessert was a quick tarte tatin served with vanilla ice cream. It was a fun evening with our “old” friend".

Tomorrow I will return to my garden and plant the first seeds in the table garden. Exciting! I hope to go for a walk in the park nearby as well. I am not sure what I will make for dinner - most likely something simple. I might read/peruse a bit as I bought a few new “coffee-table” books. In addition, I would like to watch the movie “Vertigo” by Alfred Hitchcock - why? That is a story for another blog.
All photos are my own - taken with an iPhone