A blessing or not?

Any time - any place – anywhere – that is the nature of our current access to information. If we have the right networks and our phone apparatuses are charged – we are ready and can access information at our fingertips. There is no longer a need to go to libraries filled with books and other reference materials - unless one really wants to.
Are we smarter?
Nowadays people rely heavily on the internet for easy access to most of the information we absorb. The information is acquired swiftly and it swiftly departs from the brain. Information is accessible from literally everywhere: in bed, on the toilet maybe the only exception is under water. Information is literally in the palm of our hands. This ease of access is truly a blessing to those who still need to travel to find a library however.
Unfortunately, some people forget to process the information obtained to make it meaningful to them. Thus, there is no true understanding hence no new knowledge is acquired. As a result, I would argue that a lot of information is now available but less knowledge as many are looking for fast answers instead of thinking for themselves.
A blessing but at a cost?
In our fast paced world - information is so valuable. As a result, having quick and easy access to information is indeed a blessing. It would be fine if after getting this easily accessible information that discernment is applied and everyone draws their own conclusion. The same discernment should be applied to “fake news”. Unfortunately, it is not always available and information acquire from the internet becomes the new truth. That is truly a pity because for gullible people there is no discussion or debate that can be held – because the information was found on the internet – so it must be right.
People are often too lazy or find it too easy to latch on to a source that made a good argument that they resonate with - simply because the reader understood it. Discernment is needed more than ever before.
As always - there is a give and take - we do not get something for nothing. In the past one gave their time and energy to get to the library to acquire information and knowledge. Now that it is at our fingertips – we give away our personal behavioural data – this is also lucrative information. However, I am going off on a tangent, and this is a subject for another blog.
Are we smarter than those who went before us?
We increasingly have more advanced technology and easier access to information – that is a fact but that is all it is. We are arguably none the wiser and therefore not more intelligent - although we have an information overload. Compared to our predecessors, we have a lot more information and convenience but it is no measure of whether we are more intelligent. Starting in the mid 90’s, when the internet hence emails then smartphones because more popular, many older folks thought that the changes were quite daunting. However, I now see the various generations using smartphones with no issues at all. Are we smarter or more intelligent? I do not think so, I think humans are just very adaptable. Therefore, whatever technology is available – the current generation will make good use of it.
Informational lifestyle changes
Too much information can:
  • drive one to distraction. We go on the internet to search for one thing but see something else that is interested. One will choose for the dopamine rush whilst scrolling. Hours later we realize that time is being wasted and then we re-focus – we are all guilty of that.
  • drive one crazy. People can start to self-diagnose and draw the wrong conclusion. On the other hand, it can drive the right discussion with our general practitioners which causes one to explore and improve ones’ lifestyle.
  • can spread instantaneously like wildfire. On social or news media we are bombarded with the same news all day long. People can become happier due to positive stories. Unfortunately, it is often bad news that is most interesting and people become stressed about news that they have zero control over.
  • provide support for educational endeavours. This is the case with the introduction of ChatGPT. However, it can also be seen as a threat if abused. As a result, those users do not develop basic analytical or problem-solving skills because information can be accessed after a simple query in ChatGPT.
(this list is not exhaustive)
In my humble opinion, technological advancement and easy accessibility to such technological has no direct correlation and hence is no clear indicator of increased intelligence. Actually, the reverse might be true as humans can become lazy and use their intelligence less or in a different capacity because answers are now readily available and there is less need to think things through. Such advancements are indeed a blessing but there are always pros and cons. As with everything else, the impact on society depends on its application and that depends on human behaviour. It is no measure of whether humans are more intelligent now than before.

This is my response to the #hivelearners community contest on the topic titled, Is Easy Access A Blessing?

The photo is my own
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