What If Everything Is Privatized?

Privatization describes how a piece of a thing or business goes from being owned by a group of people or government to privately owned. Imagine a world where everything you need requires payment, like paying to have access to commonest thing like water, as in how on earth will I want to turn on the tap in my house and I will be thinking of the amount that it will cost me.
Paying for having access to the universe solvent or for my mobility or for anything .......will almost make me go crazy🤣 like how will I survive if that should happen? It will be like living in hell.
Though I live in a country where survival is for the fittest but paying for good water and road accessibility is a bit absurd for me and I believe the larger percentage of the populace will find it difficult to survive.
Presently a lot of people in my country are striving vigorously for survival, inflation is hitting almost everything in the country as it wishes and the percentage of those that had fallen from the average class to below average that is poverty level is on the high side.
So if this kind of a situation should happen, definitely one should be expecting numerous announcements of obituaries of people killed by heart attack and depression because life will be so frustrating to a lot of people and they will prefer to die and seize to exist in the world.
But if we all think deeply about this payment of a thing, we all have been paying for all these even though the government hasn't been truthful with us. As civil servants or business owners or even students, there are some many charges we pay to the government that we don't take note of.
Almost everything we buy and sell are tax embedded, the government collects service charges on absolutely everything, whether we like it or not we have been paying for these services and the quality of service we get from the government is nothing to write home about. We have been paying and the corrupt politicians have been embezzling it to enrich their treasuries.
So what if the government wants to Privatized everything, would there be a problem?
An adage says, 'one man's food is another man's poison', a few will love privatization because they have the capability for anything they want. They don't care how much they spend on their comfortability because they are sure they will get the best of whatever they subscribe for.
On the other hand, privatization will affect so many people that are not financially stable, the low income earners will be badly affected by it. Having access to portable water and a good road network will be a mirage to them because they won't be able to afford it once it's privatized.
We all know private corporations always want to give out the best to their customers, so the prices they will tag to their services will be exorbitant and it will make life so terrible for low income earners.
To say the truth, with privatization, there will be great improvement in infrastructural and administrative woes in which almost everywhere will be developed and people will have access to quality services but a lot of people will be side lined because of their inability to foot the huge bill by the private companies.
I believe the government won't cease to exist, both the government and the private companies will continue to coexist. All they need is just to step up their games and be innovative. So for now, everything can't be privatize so that there won't be lots of casualties.
Thanks for visiting my blog and have a pleasant weekend ❤️
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