I staked 55 HBD previous month. This is not too much but this is only I can afford for now. I am aslo stking HBD in my other account. I hardly make posts from this account. I only did once a month so I did not get too much HBD in this account.

According to my calculation I will get 1 HBE per month if I stake 60 HBD into Savings so it will be better to stake multiple of 60. Then it will get a a whole HBD and not a fragmented HBD.
I am also staking SPT and Oneup in my account. This is just a few of them I can not afford too much of it. My objective for Spt is 40k and Oneup is 10k. I hope this will give me a lots of respective tokens. I will keep staking until I can get substainable amount of money. If I reach my objective I will make a post from my other account.

I am now trying to buy a few SPLTD cards. I do not know I can buy it or not but I will surely try. I want to test new game from Splinterlands. Even though I can not buy too much packs, I will buy as much as I can. If I am lucky I will get a Hero. If not there is no regret for it.
Thanks for reading my post. You know what my other account is.