Epic blogger || gamer || community supporter || curator
Today I claimed HBD interest for the month of Oct-2022. I only staked about 57 HBD so I only got around 1 HBD. With current interest I need to stake 60 HBD to get 1 HBD per month. Saving in HBD is more profitable than saving in a bank. If we did not lose the key then this money is always be ours. Nowadays we are facing the problems with Bank. I heard a news that China banks did not allow withdrawal from customer's account. This is very ridiculous. We need to save our moneys in various form. Only one form is not safe.
I staked 55 HBD previous month. This is not too much but this is only I can afford for now. I am aslo stking HBD in my other account. I hardly make posts from this account. I only did once a month so I did not get too much HBD in this account.
I put 50 HBD into savings last month. Today is the time I have to claim my interest. I claimed my interested and I got 0.649 HBD. 20% HBD per year is quite a lot. If I keep putting into savings oneday I will get a decent amount of HBD stockpiled.
I have not made post from this account for a long time but this time I changed my mind again. The reason not to post from this account is I do not want to drain my SBI voting power. I will post when Hive price is high. But this time I think I have a lot of vote value accumulated and I think increasing Hive is more beneficial for me. Having more Hive Power is good for long run.
Luna means moon in Latin. Sudden drop in price of Luna can affect the entire ecosystem of Crypto. So crashing Luan can be said as Moonfall for mankind.I do not know the exact reason why Luna price falls. But there are some estimation about this event.
@mmunitedAs expected I can still climb up to Gold I. WIth the release of CL packs it is much harder league ranking than before. I can not reach to D3 until after the General Sale. Match ReportPerformanceStatGold Rank1664Rating2514 - Gold IRating High2516Ratio (Win/Loss)0.99 (186/188)Longest Streak