When you reach the stage where you can see order in everything and organize objects into sections and collections, then you realize that you have some serious syndrome. Maybe collector's syndrome. Hahaha, I am kidding, I have no idea if such a thing can be understood by that name, but during our visit yesterday to a classic car exhibition in Alicante I was able to classify these small objects into groups and voilà - a collection of toy vehicles was created in no time. It wasn't difficult, because there were countless of these toys, on stands that found their place in the hall where the real cars were also exhibited. We will return to this topic another time; now it is the turn of toys to be presented - new and old and some that evoke nostalgia.
I grew up at a time when the division between boys' and girls' toys was still quite strong and defined. That is, it would be assumed that girls had dolls and not cars, but surprisingly, I only had one Barbie doll. Yes, we had more stuffed toys or those that could be used in the yard, for example, balls and swings, but I never had my own toy cars. I did have a train set, which we got for one Christmas, as a project where my dad participated too because he made the platform where the rails were attached. You know, I will never forget that because I made trees as decorations for that whole project out of marzipan! At the time I didn't like it so instead of eating it I used it as modelling material. (Of course, now the situation is completely opposite hahaha).
Of the larger toys, as a means of transportation, we had a rocking horse; okay, that was from my older sister. I didn't even use that rocking horse that much, but I remember it. Now I have no idea if it is still stored somewhere in the attic of my parents' house or not.

When our son was small, he had a little tractor that he could ride in the street - pedal-powered of course. He was coming with us to the market or to the house of his grandparents using that little vehicle. It was a green tractor and it even had a wagon, where he could store some toys or rocks he would find by the river (who did he inherit that from? 🤔) or even carry one girlfriend. 😂
It was impossible not to remember those moments while seeing these pedal-powered vehicles.

It would be nice to start collecting classic cars, even in this form, as toys. 😁

There were also smaller toy cars, those that indeed could be collected. Many stalls were full of these, and to be honest, I spent quite a lot of time searching for one particular model. Too many models and stalls so the search lasted and lasted...

I was looking to find a Citroën GS, one of the cars my dad had when I was small. That was a very comfortable car. Finally, I found one in this stall and bought it for my father as a gift (ok, this is a secret, he can't know that now haha).

Do you see the fire? 😱🔥
No worries, fire trucks are on their way! 😂

I also found the model of the car we had with my husband. That was our very first car, some 20 years ago 😮. Yugo 45. I can't say it was as comfortable as the Citroën my dad had, but well, as a first car, it served its purpose, until it was spending more time at the mechanic's than on the road, so it was time to buy a newer vehicle.

You see, a collection was easily made! 😁 Organized in section and all, just these two guys can't be considered as vehicles, but they are funny so they are coming into this post too. 😆