I know everyone loves to see blue skies. And those who are stressed or in pain, or who are always frowning and denying that they can see the beauty in nature, might feel a little more positive if they look up, towards the sky. Yesterday, arriving a little early in the town where I work, I parked near a path where we used to like to walk. The question was, should I go for a coffee or just take a 15-minute walk? You see from these photos what my choice was.

If it is about me... do I like seeing the blue sky and white clouds travelling across it, the answer is of course positive. I have always
loved it. And even though these thoughts weren't on my mind yesterday when I walked there, just a day later I can try to help myself by seeing these scenes again. Pain? Of course sometimes I feel it too, but it shouldn't define and condemn us. Late last night I felt the announcement of today's migraine, and there it is, despite all the pills I took, Miss Migraine is persistent. Many times I like to imagine rain and its soothing sound, darker colours and the lack of light when trying to cope with these episodes. Maybe this time the wild little flowers growing in this field, the mountains and the fluffy formations had to come and remind us of some inspirations that can come from any situation.

As they say, a wildflower is not worried about anything, it has everything it needs - a place where it lives, surrounded by other flowers and grasses, quenches its thirst with rain and blooms in its beauty. Ah, maybe it had hope and certainty before it grew in this meadow. Speaking about hope, I have to bring here a song that I stumbled upon this morning while searching for another song. It is a song in the Spanish language, but even if you don't understand I will let you know in two words what it is about. About hope. (hahaha, I said I will use just two words 😂)
I don't usually listen to songs of this type but soon I will explain why I am bringing it.
Just a week ago I was with the choir in Teruel for the whole weekend, we had a concert there and I still have to share with you more things from there. And even though just a week has passed since then, we already have to prepare another concert for April and prepare two new songs and add them to our repertoire;
https://youtu.be/ol4OoaQ_Evs is what I was searching for today as even with my migraine, I have to start to listen to them and get familiar with them. And this is
https://youtu.be/dTWs-Vt14a0 that has to be learned.
I know that I also missed posting about a charity concert we had last December for the victims of the floods in Valencia. I think I have never told you about that concert in a post, I am sorry. In short - other musicians also came to musically support the concert and it was very moving. One of the songs that my choir sang was this song, Color Esperanza by Diego Torres. At the end of the concert, some acquaintances who were there told me that they cried with that song. It was an event full of emotions. All the money raised in this concert went to help the victims of the floods.

from the concert last December
Oh, well, this post went already into a few different directions hahaha, I am sorry about this too. If you consider my current migraine, I will paint my face with colours of hope that this can be forgiven. From blue skies to fluffy clouds and flowers, to hope, new songs to learn and a concert I have never posted about - just a perfect mess is what happened here. And I will also add a phrase I saw yesterday (according to the
monthly theme in the Hive Collectors Community) to make the mess bigger:
Don't just practice until you get it right, practice it until you can't get it wrong.
Well, I guess it is time to kindly ask Miss Migraine to leave as I should start with 🎹 practising; April is here, it will come sooner than we think. Just one last glance at the blue sky.