#tbt de un dia de Piscina 🥰💜 || #tbt of a Swimming Pool day 🥰💜.

Hola amigos de la comunidad es un gusto estar de nuevo aca! Dicen que hay que aprender a soltar y no vivir del pasado, pero yo AMO ver fotos viejas, y aunque algunas me ponen nostalgica, lo mas comun es que me sienta feliz viendo todos los momentos felices que he inmortalizado a traves de las fotos 🥰
Hello friends of the community, it's a pleasure to be here again! They say you have to learn to let go and not live from the past, but I LOVE to see old photos, and although some of them make me nostalgic, the most common thing is that I feel happy seeing all the happy moments that I have immortalized through the photos 🥰.
En este caso les comparto estas que son de la piscinada que tuvo Chris en su graduacion 🥰
In this case I share with you these pictures of the pool party that Chris had at his graduation 🥰.
Ese dia la pasamos demasiado bien, no tenemos fotos de la piscina como tal porque ahi teniamos los telefonos guardados, pero que no quede duda que agarramos el sol para nosotros solos 🤣 y que gozamos una y parte de la otra jeje, mis hijos aman la piscina y la playa asi que sin duda es algo que debemos repetir pronto 🥰
That day we had a great time, we don't have pictures of the pool as such because we had our phones stored there, but there is no doubt that we had the sun all to ourselves 🤣 and that we enjoyed one and part of the other hehe, my kids love the pool and the beach so no doubt it's something we should repeat soon 🥰.
Fotos de mi propiedad
Portada editada en PicsArt
Photos of my property
Cover edited in PicsArt
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