➡️JANUARY UPDATE⬅️I had a lot on this month including going on holidays for the first time in a long time. Despite this I was able to keep active and continue to build up on Golem Overlord.As you can see I have inreased my rank from 927 to 739 in the last month jumping up almost 200 positions was a massive accomplishment for me and I am edging ever closer to the top 500. Your rating drives your rank and my rating grew from 516k to 751k, an over 200k increase. If that is not good enough you may of also noticed that my XP per hour is higher then last month. That is because I have been increasing my prestige, I increased it from 13 to 16 unlocking level 4 quests in the process. This is something that I had not been focusing on but this month decided too and was worried that it would stunt my growth, but it seem not to have.