Greetings dear friends of the DIYHUB community, it is a pleasure for me to greet you once again and this time participate in the
First 2025 Contest: 🎥 👑 Fan Culture / Fanart 🎸 🏀
Firstly, I would like to talk about that music group that has marked a very important stage of my life, and it's called
Morat. It is a Colombian band composed of 4 artists: Simón Vargas, Juan Pablo Isaza, Juan Pablo Villamil, and Martín Vargas. They make music in the genre of Latin pop rock and have been in the music industry for approximately 14 years.
I discovered this band around the year 2019, with a song called (new paragraph) from the YouTube application, and since then I looked for many more of their songs and immediately fell in love with their music. Since then, they have been my favorite band, and I have followed their career over the past few years, listening to all their new and old songs, which create a very nice feeling in me with lyrics that anyone of any age could identify with, focusing primarily on the themes of love, heartbreak, and youth.
There is a specific song of theirs that has marked this past year of my life titled (before age 20) and it talks about living to the fullest in the teenage years, or rather before turning 20, and how important freedom is in youth and the experience, learning, and growth in this crucial stage. This has been very significant for me because next month in March, I will be turning 20 years old, which is quite exciting for me.
The song conveys a very inspiring, joyful message and has many verses that are very meaningful to me, but there is one in particular that I love, and it goes like this:
"Quiero vivir un poco más
Quiero gritarlo una vez más
Y escribir los recuerdos que ni el tiempo quiera atreverse a borrar"
"I want to live a little more
I want to shout it out once again
And write memories that not even time dares to erase"
The part about writing memories that not even time dares to erase speaks volumes about experiencing different things in youth, going out, enjoying, falling in love innocently, sharing with family or friends, and in general doing things that we can later remember and smile about years after having lived through them. It's a motto that I carry with me always, and that's why I wanted to capture it in a small drawing that I will hang on my bedroom wall to have a reminder of what this stage of my life has been like.
I would like to therefore show you the process of this below.
For this craft, I bought a small round piece of wood that is used for chopping vegetables and used it exclusively for this. I also used sandpaper to remove the varnish and allow the paint to adhere better, acrylic paints, and a black marker. I also used a sheet of paper and a pencil to sketch out the design.
I started by drawing what I wanted to do on the paper, and once it was ready, I outlined it with an extra fine marker. This sketch includes each of the members of the group, each with their own characteristics, but without facial expressions to give it a different and more minimalist touch. It also has the group's logo and the phrase "Otro día para escribir los recuerdos que ni el tiempo quiera atreverse a borrar" (Another day to write the memories that not even time dares to erase), referring to the verse I mentioned earlier.
Having the sketch ready, I sanded the wood to start painting it a light gray color. To ensure a good finish, I applied 3 coats of paint, letting each one dry for approximately 20 minutes in front of a fan. Then, I carefully transferred the pencil drawing to the wood surface, making a few modifications to details that I wasn't entirely satisfied with.
Once the sketch was on the wood, I began painting it, layer by layer. I started with the skin color of each member's face, then with their clothing in colors like yellow, brown, dark gray, beige, white, and lilac; followed by the dark brown hair color, and finishing with details like beards or mustaches, glasses on one of them, and the edges with the black extra fine marker. Between each layer of paint, meaning between each step of coloring the members, I let it dry similarly to the previous step for about 20 minutes in front of the fan.
For the final touches, I added the red and black colored logo and inscribed it with the same marker as before. I also added a small music player icon with the name of the song to give it a finishing touch.
Since the wood had rubber parts at the back that fit into holes, I inserted a thread there to hang it on the wall, and it ended up looking like this:
To explain a bit, the first member in the frame wearing beige clothing is Juan Pablo Villamil, the one in the lilac shirt is Martin Vargas, the one in the gray vest and yellow shirt is Simón Vargas, and Juan Pablo Isaza is the one with the brown hat and clothing.
All photos are my property taken with my Iphone XR, the cover and the size of the photographs were edited with the befunky website