Saludos amigos
Greetings friends
Un entrenamiento que disfruto mucho, el de trotar en grupo, siempre nos da mayor sentido familiar, cuando formamos parte de un grupo, ya que compartimos no solos nuestros entrenamientos, sino fechas especiales como cumpleaños, y esto debido a la amistad que se fortalece con cada trote realizado. Para este dia nos fuimos hasta la oficina, asi llamamos al lugar donde nos encontramos con el team para salir juntos a trotar. La cita fue a la 5:30 pm, con un clima agradable y buena compañia iniciamos nuestro entrenamiento que siguio basado en tiempos y ritmos comodos para ganar resistencia. Mi esposo como tiene un ritmo diferente al mio, cuando entrenamos en grupo, anda mas tranquilo, ya que sabe que no voy a estar sola entonces aprovecha de trotar a su ritmo, en esta ocasion el siguio adelante con el esposo de una de las runners. Y yo me fui con mis amigas, bien comoda, hablando como unas comadres por todo el camino.
A training that I enjoy very much, jogging in a group, always gives us a greater sense of family, when we are part of a group, as we share not only our workouts, but also special dates like birthdays, and this because of the friendship that is strengthened with each jogging done. For this day we went to the office, so we called the place where we met the team to go jogging together. The appointment was at 5:30 pm, with a nice weather and good company we started our training which was based on comfortable times and rhythms to gain endurance. My husband as he has a different pace than me, when we train in a group, he is more relaxed, as he knows that I will not be alone so he jogs at his own pace, this time he went ahead with the husband of one of the runners. And I went with my friends, very comfortable, talking like comadres all along the way.
Trotar en esta zona me encanta porque vamos por todo el borde de la costa, y la vista bueno que les digo es sumamente encantadora, cada atardecer que contemplo es mejor que el otro los colores son super hermosos, y el equilibrio con la playa, hacen del lugar maghico, ideal para trotar. Seguimos en esta ocasion una ruta casi plana, ya que mis amigas el dia anterior habia ido hacer cuestas, y estaban un poco adoloridas. Trotamos a un ritmo promedio de 6:58 min/Km, con una duracion de 50 minutos. Este dia habia bastante trafico de runners en esta ruta, si que es bueno encontrarse y saludar mientras trotamos.
I love jogging in this area because we go all along the coastline, and the view, well I tell you it is extremely charming, every sunset I see is better than the other, the colours are super beautiful, and the balance with the beach, make the place magical, ideal for jogging. This time we followed an almost flat route, as my friends had gone uphill the day before, and were a bit sore. We jogged at an average pace of 6:58 min/km, with a duration of 50 minutes. This day there was quite a lot of runner traffic on this route, so it's good to meet and greet each other while jogging.
Al llegar al lugar de partida, realice unos estiramientos, me hidrate, y estuvimos conversando un poco todo el grupo, ya que hay unas carreras en puerta y quizas en algunas participemos, la mas cerca es el Domingo, pero creo que la vamos a tomar como chequeo, y acompañamiento ya que es una carrera por la salud, y si que es buena ocasion de apoyar como equipo y hacer volumen en este tipo de actividades.
When we arrived at the starting point, I did some stretching, I hydrated myself, and we were talking a bit with the whole group, as there are some races coming up and maybe we will participate in some of them, the closest one is on Sunday, but I think we are going to take it as a check-up and accompaniment, as it is a race for health, and it is a good opportunity to support as a team and do some volume in this type of activities.
Hasta la próxima amigos.
See you next time friends.
Todo el contenido es de mi autoría y las imágenes son de mi propiedad
Fotos fueron tomadas con mi HONOR X6a Plus
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All content is my own and the images are my property.
Photos were taken with my HONOR X6a Plus
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Deepl Publisher edited in the application Canva
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