HELP ME-#katrineconroy #mcfd #crestonbc #alexschreiber #bcndp #trudeau #sendvictoriahome #stolenbymcfd #johnhorgan

Good morning, today i woke up, sent my son to school, hes doing pretty good, then I sit here alone, sometimes I cry and listen to music and miss my girl. I work for HOURS each day I put into this. I am numb, empty and worried for my daughters safety in your #MCFD care in #crestonbc. I have a nice home, pets, big yard. Im getting ready to put up Xmas lights and have the US thanksgiving, Christmas with my kids and family, family that right now doesnt include my daughter who is 10 1/2 and being held in your care in Creston by Cori Thompson and Lori Simpson...and I would really love to know WHY? since the only answer you can give me is because there is a CCO! (A CCO that YOU can cancel at anytime due to immense amount of significant change in my life) That being said, you throw me in the garbage, you throw my other kids (her brothers) in the garbage and you hope that my daughter eventually forgets us as by CUTTING OF all contact, ALIENATING her from us...
#MCFD in Creston BC sent back my daughter gifts...they wont even give her anything from me..WHY? who does that?
HOW IS THAT RIGHT? LOOK at that smile!!

#katrineconroy you state that children deserve "family, community and culture" yet YOUR #MCFD denies her ALL of that to my child, as well as many others!...WHY? oh right because of the CCO, that was granted while I was still incarcerated, and therefore I had no chance to really SHOW anyone that I would never go backwards again to that abusive one really cared, in fact by starting the CCO process while I was in jail FOR WEED....yes WEED that is now legal, you made it impossible for me to have a leg to stand on. I have never had ONE REVIEW of this case in over 3YRS...WHY is that? IGNORED. WHY wont anyone look into this, and see how wrong this is, everyone else can see.
KIDS=MONEY, and that is the truth, thats why you want to keep her.
I am a good mother, extremely stable, secure and happy for the most part. Im pretty cool, fun and outgoing, I love outdoors, and I love spending time w my kids, I love cooking, and I do art, very well in fact, and that is something I did alot w my took that from both of us. My daughter is being cared for by an mentally emotionally abusive gamer (not that gamers are bad, but thats not what were really into and gets no exercise) and they dont eat healthy, nor is she receiving any culture and not receiving any psychological help for the issues you have caused her. Instead you find blame in me (not to sure how thats even possible since I dont see her, and she was normal the last time I laid eyes on her!) You are denying her aboriginal culture and have decided that I am lying about that too....The stuff that my child has been told by your ppl and told me is extremely abusive and inappropriate by any means, and that too is ignored...because #MCFD never looks into anything they have to be accountable for, yet somehow they have put this one me, and oh btw, your mcfd in #Crestonbc has gotten me kicked out of the town of Creston, ya, the entire town, a town where my son lives as well, and do you know they said its because I make my daughter anxious if she sees me?! YOUR UNREGISTERED SW forgot to mention that she has been emotionally, psychologically abused by them in foster-care, and that my poor daughter is terrified of running into me in case I get into trouble and she gets sent away again, I mean the amount of pressure resting on that little girl is unreal...
I desperately need help and I will never be silent about this, NO reviews for ppl's cases in YEARS, and children being adopted out when working with the families is whats important, families who are not on substances and are perfectly capable of caring for their child. Ignoring stability, and change. There isnt one reason I can raise one child but not the other, demanding parents break up or youll keep their kids isnt right, threatening parents that if they dont sign papers there kids will be kept in care and cco'd, using siblings against their siblings, and lastly when #MCFD can request a cancellation of MY CCO and allow me to have my child home....I am ignored for years! yes years! by your office in Victoria as well as every SW in Creston and #Cranbrookbc. Kids denied basic #humanrights and #charterRights in canada. nothing, #RCYBC (representative of children bc) told me she doesnt have human rights, I was also told while a child is in care she has none....UMMM, sounds wrong.
Mother, never giving up, EVER. my daughter is my world and I will be her voice!
need help for my child.!
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