To the abusive foster lady in Creston BC who has my child..You know who you are, Yes, MY child you are paid to care for by the MCFD because many yrs ago I was too in an abusive relationship with an addict, a very bad man, I messed up once, oh gee, Im not perfect, are you?...Yet I survived this abuse, this trauma in my life to put it back together 100x better and never look back...Ironically Now my daughter is being abused for yrs, and like me, will stick up for her abuser...YOU! You emotionally, physically abuse her, even in public in front of witnesses....and the RCMP are called, they do nothing....Apparently MCFD polices itself... You and the SW Sue Sarabun, SW Angela Beddome fr Cranbrook BC, whom I have never met have decided that my daughter is ok, "just fine" in your care, she doesnt need family, I mean it seems easier to just leave her at this point right...many of you might think oh, well shes been there this long, the ones who are her friends of course, so why let her go home...ummm... Well, the MCFD, the foster lady, everyone in this circle are paid to care for my child in some way, we tax payers are funding abuse in this system....its financial. the easy button. Im ignored for yrs.
You have taken another year from me, another year I cannot get back, my daughter is now 11....and soon she will have her period, she will need her mommy, she will need guidance and love from family, she will need to know her identity, and that has been stolen from her, shes not allowed to know who she is, instead you have turned her into YOUR PUPPET, your bread and butter...your mortgage payment, but shes "just fine" so why bother now the damage is done right... MCFD SW and #katrineconroy MLA, #Johnhorgan Premier, cant admit that she should have come home yrs ago because they would admit fault in her well being...instead they took away all access in 2017 and never even cared to look back...just never see mommy, and her brothers again...oh, but thats "just fine" right! We are not perfect, however, we are her family, and we matter. Are any of you a perfect family, I doubt it!... Im a mother who has never ever abused this little girl....who would die for her tomorrow, and give anything on the planet to just give her another hug, tuck her in the way she deserves, make sure she is warm for school, and make her breakfast the way I used to, teach her how to cook, to garden, to be outdoorsy, cool like me, laugh, do her hair, and snuggle her for a her, and be her mother like I once was, a good mother.... You have no idea how this emptiness feels, every single God damn day, this numb, this dead feeling inside I live with, a piece of me stolen, ripped out, an open wound that will never heal, the tears just randomly come that I hide from so many others, this pain everyday that I have learned to cope with, this worry for my daughters safety, this sadness that just never leaves nomatter how hard I try to conceal it and put it away for comes back! Death would have been easier, yet, for some reason, I am still here, for my other kids, my son at home who needs me. SO I continue to try and put this sadness aside. I am HER mother, I gave birth to my only daughter, my world. YOU have never had children of your own, and you have no idea what being a mother feels like, you are a paid caregiver....and yet, you abuse my child, and no one cares. I cant even protect her from the system. She DESERVES to have her family, her mother. Her identity.
MCFD- Childwelfare could have long since fixed this, for my daughter, for all of us...for her future, which doesn't matter since she will be booted out at 18...or run away before then....Why think of her future? that doesn't concern wont be a part of it....I will be fixing your mess, your abuse, YOU, foster lady, are the child abuser, you talk bad about me to my daughter...YOU, SW, are just as guilty.... YOU Minister Conroy are just as accountable. SO stop telling me to spend another 15grand on lawyers, the JUDGE said i can have access, your denying it...Think of my my little girl for one minute...and wake up from your clouded judgement, stop ignoring me. I think that this abuse WILL most certainly cause future long term damages...and taking her identity will most certainly have detrimental affects on her future.
Here I sit with more tears this holiday as my son sleeps in his room and we prepare for Christmas and arriving family she wont meet... I cry silently for a daughter that I cannot hold, knowing she would be safe and loved at home, and all the cards are in an agency that was put in place to profit off children in care and ignore families like me. How many stable, hard working families like me can have their kids home, and yet dont?
#crestonbc #mcfd #cps
@APTNInvestigates @APTNInvestigates @APTNInvestigates @APTNInvestigates @APTNInvestigatesFB #mcfdlegalkidnapped #kids4cash #familiesbelongtogether