CHALLENGE TO any MEDIA IN CANADA- come see my home! #sendvictoriahome Min #katrineconroy #johnhorgan

I will never in my life stop trying to show the world that you Minister Katrine Conroy Premier John Horgan, mcfd- Ministry of Children and families the entire BC gov't have kept my child against her will abused, neglected at your agency! NO one does anything about it. #RCMP refuse to investigate claims of abuse. You don't seem to care! HOW is this ok?? NO its NOT okay by any means!
There IS NOT ONE REASON TO KEEP HER YET YOU DO! kids=money What would any loving parent do? Never quit.
CHALLENGE TO ANY MEDIA #aptninvestigates #cbcindigenous #ctv #globalbc #riicnews #ktunaxa ILL PAY YOUR MOTEL, come see my home for a week, come see my life, youll see there isnt one reason to keep my daughter in #fostercare, with absolutely NO access to me, and her brothers! You will see a normal house, a mom, working, taking care of family, pets, quiet life, I dont do much, except grieve. My home is filled with her art, and memories I have from the last hug and the last I love you! Sadness is in my heart everyday. It takes alot to pretend Im ok, but the grieving never ends! I put it aside for my son at home the best I can, however I will never be the same, a part of me is missing, gone, dead....I am not whole because she is not here. Losing a child to being stolen by a Govt agency is horror. The worry a mother feels never ends. I know she is being neglected and abused in the home she is in, and HOW can I save her, I cant. My daughter is a #bcgov commodity, and there is no way else to look at it, thousands of kids held against their will, when they should be returned home. not allowed to be Indigenous or have any family in care!
family throw in the garbage to be forgotten.
I cant save my daughter from Child Protection, from MCFD
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