Splinterlands, Path of Exile Hardcore Races, Meetups.
Adelaide, South Australia
This isn't the entrance, this is a red herring. That's just good OPSEC. I stripped the EXIF/location data from the image anyway because people who go looking for stuff might find it so don't even start. The real bunker is somewhere in South Australia. Could be in the Woomera Prohibited area, where rocket and nuclear testing are locked down real tight by the military. 120,000 square kilometres to check. Good luck with that.
Shoutout to @clayboyn and @davemccoy for spearheading this. Great to see the DAO mature; and to see some clarity around how it interacts with the broader, legacy financial system.The call has gone out for community members to volunteer as board members, including Chairman; and I'd like to nominate myself for both roles.
#spstreasurer0xADfB3e47600D4009E353fA812a751Ce225c0D498I've been in and around the game from the start, after joining the chain in August 2016. (First time I powered up, it was for 104 weeks.) Currently hodling 60K+ HP.I'm leader of the Roaring Twenties guild, which owns the castle in region 29.
@mattclarkeWith the ranked rewards changes I'm going to see how high I can climb in Modern. Match ReportPerformanceStat#wildDiamond Rank1380Rating3042 - Diamond IIIRating High3129Ratio (Win/Loss)0.86 (121/141)Longest Streak
The city in the above image is Adelaide. It's a square mile, surrounded by parklands, on the Southern coast of AustraliaSourceFor almost 6 years now, I've hosted monthly Hive/Splinterlands meetups, first at The Jade on Flinders St, and more recently at The Duke of Brunswick on Gilbert St. From 6pm on the last Thursday of each month.
That'd be great. If society's tolerance for aggression; its taste for involuntary control of the individual by the collective, has waned to such an extent that in hindsight I'm reviled as a willing participant and collaborator. That would be fantastic.