The Dirt Awareness

Some things could be done just anyhow and while it could be done anyhow. There are also something that shouldn't be done just anyhow.
For example cutting the head off because of an headache or plucking the eye out because we want to see no evil.
The head can be treated without having to cut it off and the eye can also be more careful about what it should and should not be exposed to.
In this two scenarios we can't always think its okay to not have an headache neither to stop seeing what we do not want to see -which could be just anything. Sometimes you have to face it and heal or cut off and pluck out.
In todays modern world we've all agreed to moral and ethics that no one should have to bring harm or cause harm to another for no reason per ser. However as humans we sometimes like to break the law and that means we sure must be ready to face the consequences that comes after. Either its intentional or not, it doesn't matter.
Its the law of nature -the karmic type
Its a cause and effect type of thing. Everything that has its positive sure comes with the negative. Its also the same for negative experience that can have a positive outcome at the end wheather we choose to see it now, later or not. It really doesn't matter much if we can't learn from our negatives and improve the positives.
I sure agree with having to place a negative norm on contents that requires no human effort like the case of ai contents which seems to be a big thing now in the mordern world and also here on hive.
How we approach its usage and make use of it to our advantage is totally ours. However how we approach it on hive is different because this is a community blockchain and what the community says stands regardless won't it be a good approach to have a dirt awareness that notifies every member of the community about all dirts that could litter the blochchain.
For example on the positive side hivebuzz notifies everyone of their activities on the blockchain and that crates an awareness on how we are doing so far. But in the case of hivewatcher not every hiver on the blockchain is aware that they even exist.
Is it a decentralized cia, irs or another god of the chain but honestly thats not even the point here because they can be anything and do what they want but then based on a decentralized setting from my own view hivewatchers should have a little disappointment panda that spread more awareness of dirt's on the blochchain.
That way everyone is aware of the dirt's, becaise thinking whatever hivewatcher posts' is being seen by every hiver on the blochain is a total joke. Maybe have an hivedirt awareness so its not always going to be about suing anyone who isn't aware of what litters the blockchain.
How ai is approached is a good thing and will promote more original content on the blockchain. No doubt about that.
However about the blockchain stuff. Having to make people hit the discord channel, when of course, steps to follow should have been done here on the hive blockchain for everyone to see seems a bit off to me personally
Because the chain is decentralized i believe it's abuse and apeal procedures should be decentralized too.
What happens on the blochchain should stay on the blochcain
That way people will be more aware of the dirt's made by others to envision a safe space for everyone on the blockchain and also so that people can have a say in the case.
Also this can promote positive outcome because blockchain never lies and decisions and procedures would be open source to everyone as who and who is littering the blockchain also if they areaking an attempt to clean up their mess or create more.
But this is just my two cent on how we can better create more awareness to what's considered dirt on the blockchain and further expose the abusers and also let others people be aware of one another's dirts without having to keep things hidden from the community at large.
I sure have some dirt's too like when I thought to myself - "make an ai post and see what happens". Then something did happen which honestly I'm not pissed or unhappy about it but rather I'm glad such act was easily spotted however I would like to see if when such act is done, is there a warning or you just have to hit the discord chat to be sued to court or you pay the fine through some downvotes to see if such actions would be repeated before receiving further charges or not.
So this is it, the dirt. Do we let people pick up their dirt or have them clean it up somewhwre else, on another chain or platform and in the case of hivewatchers,in another platform known as discord which is not affiliated to the blockchain itself where the act was commited.
I actually don't have an idea what happens next - maybe go on posting after being fined or anwser to the judge or judges(in discord).
But I'll have to figure that out right? - so that why I'm writing this to see what comes next - freedom after fine or more fines until you answer to the death dungeon.

No dirt's are meant to stain anyone here but me. Nevertheless, I'm here to experiment with this dirt and find out for myself how dirty it really is.

Should dirt's be cleaned on the blockchain or not