From Monster to Angel: Rethinking Money

Money in our modern world has been transformed into a monster that many people see as a necessary evil. We chase after it, capture it, and lock it away, either to use it now or save it for later to fight our financial demons.
However, we tend to forget that money is only a monster because of our perception of it based on our past experiences. We've been taught to save money and keep it locked up until we need it to pay bills or make a big purchase. This concept is not necessarily a bad thing, but we seem to have lost sight of the true purpose behind saving money.
When you talk to people today, only a few will have any savings at all. And when you ask why they save, the answer is often something like "to buy a new phone" or "to get the latest TV." Money is no longer seen as a tool for achieving financial security, but rather as a means of buying the latest shiny thing.
Instead of seeing money as a monster, we can learn to view it as an angel that can help us achieve our goals. If we can do something of value to attract money, we can make it our friend and not our enemy. Rather than constantly chasing and hunting after money, we should strive to find ways to make it work for us.
The reason we have the notion of locking money away is because we've been conditioned to do so. However, money loses its power if we keep it locked up for too long. Like a pet, money should be allowed to roam free and grow, either by investing it or using it to produce more.

In short, money is not a monster, but rather a tool that can be used for good or bad. We should strive to make it our friend and not our enemy by learning how to use it wisely and investing it in things that matter.

Until next time

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