Creative Non-Fiction: Chukwuma

Being friends with people has to deal with keeping secrets with the person. It could be theirs or your, one way or the other secrets must be kept. And this has to deal with total agreement between you too. That was my case with Chukwuma
Chukwuma was my friend for over a decade. We have known each other since when we were kids, we played football together in our neighbourhood. I believe in one of my non-fictional stories I've written about him. In my life story he will be included and that has to do with my bad and good sides.
We became close friends at a very tender age, and that bond has stayed strong throughout our teenage years and now into adulthood we're still waxing strong. In School we're roommates, and we share everything. In Fact I trust him completely with my deepest secrets. That might be an unwise thing to do but that's just how I trust him.
Chukwuma has been seeing this girl for a very long time. For over two years, he and Adaeze have been dating. Their relationship was the envy of many people, and everyone knew they were a thing. My luck has always been bad in that aspect hence I pray whenever I see them together to experience such kind of love. They make love look beautiful. Always together, always holding hands in public spaces, as if to send a warning to potential threats like "this is my man/woman keep off" and if they're not together then they're always talking on the phone. Honestly I was and I am still happy for my friend.
However, one day, while I was relaxing in our scattered room, it was sanitation day but Chukwuma had sneaked out to the field to play football with other guys from our compound while I was still asleep, leaving me with the chores. As I summoned the courage to get to work, Chukwuma barged into the room all smiles and sweaty, with a request that I found too difficult to keep.
"Guy, I need a favor from you, " he said, smiling sheepishly.
I stared at him head to toe. Sniffed his mouth and asked. "Don't you think it's too early to be drinking?"
"Bro! be serious for once" he kept a stern face. Truly he wasn't drinking. He tried dragging me to a seat in our room but I shook off his grip.
"Spill the beans and it better be something I can do" I folded my arms and motioned him to speak.
He pleaded with me to lie to Ada that he won't be available for a weekend date they had already planned because he was sick. I knew of course that Chukwuma wasn't in any way having a flu nor did he catch one. He was my roommate so I knew the details of him. I refused to agree to his request at first, until I thought his real reason for asking me for such a favor was because he was cashless at that period. So I didn't push further.
Unfortunately, I later found out that the real reason he was canceling with Funmi was because he wanted time alone with a new girl he was crushing on. As fate would have it, I knew the girl. In fact, everyone in our apartment complex knew the girl. She was the kind that sticks only when she feels a guy is rich. As I can tell, Chukwuma was just a struggling student as I am and so dropping Adaeze for a much hotter girl who cared only if you can spend money on her was a trip on a wrong track. Besides from what he told me he had already created an impression to the said girl that he was rich, at least to a level.
I told him I'll renege on our agreement. And warned him to cancel his date with the new girl, which he adamantly refused.
"You're only jealous because I finally got the attention of the hottest girl in our neighborhood" he prided himself on the next day I confronted him.
I laughed, I knew he was only under the influence of the adrenaline of a man who felt he had won a trophy. So I didn't take it personally, I was only trying to save my friend and his true love. To protect him from what he thought was the right decision, which I knew was the wrong one, and he would regret at last.
I knew Chukwuma to be mischievous and adventurous at times, but this wasn't the right adventure for him.
So I thought of what to do. Clearly he wouldn't back out of the date if I don't take strict measures. Spontaneously, It came to my mind and I threatened Chukwuma that I would tell Adaeze if he went ahead with the plan.
He laughed " C'mon man, you and I know you're bluffing" he said, dumping himself into a chair nearby in our room.
"You think?" I smiled and walked up to him, picked up my phone and pretended to call Adaeze, keeping a mean face. Of Course I was bluffing. Infact I knew I was out of airtime and so the call wouldn't connect but I kept on with my act so he wouldn't detect I was bluffing.
He quickly grabbed my hands and begged I shouldn't. And like magic he agreed to cancel with his new date. I kept close tabs on him to be sure he wouldn't go behind my back. Don't blame me, he would do the same for me even though he thinks he is hurting me. That's just the way we try to protect each other and keep ourselves out of trouble.
Till today, that secret lies safe within I and Chukwuma. Lucky enough Chukwuma is still with Adaeze as I type this, waxing stronger. And as for me, since I am not lucky with love, I still wax strong and remain their true supporter till the wedding bell rings and I stand beside my best friend dripping in the latest blazers at the altar as his best man.
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