Una zanahoria fresca,
camina con una cabeza,
es un fruto de textura tersa,
rosado y marrón en la melena.
La zanahoria la coloca,
sobre la lechuga verdosa
le da diversión a la comida sobria,
con el bonito color rosa.
A fresh carrot,
walks with a head,
is a smooth-textured fruit,
pink and brown in the mane.
The carrot places it,
on the greenish lettuce
gives fun to the sober food,
with the pretty pink color.
La zanahoria toma una cuchara,
con la cual toca la fruta rosada
y como si fuera una varita mágica
aquel ser toma vida y camina con gracia.
Entre la lechuga se contonea
y del plato sale con impaciencia,
la zanahoria la sigue con cautela,
quiere ver a donde va con tanta urgencia.
The carrot takes a spoon,
with which it touches the pink fruit
and as if it were a magic wand
that being comes to life and walks gracefully.
Among the lettuce it wiggles
and out of the dish it comes out with impatience,
the carrot follows her cautiously,
it wants to see where it is going with such urgency
El fruto llega a un patio,
donde hay macetas rojo claro,
la zanahoria intenta seguir sus pasos,
pero pierde el fruto rosado.
Él entre la tierra se ha escondido,
en una maceta que tenía contiguo
ahí se queda detenido,
esperando germinar en algo bonito.
The fruit arrives in a courtyard,
where there are light red pots,
the carrot tries to follow in its footsteps,
but it loses the pink fruit.
The carrot tries to follow in its footsteps, but loses the pink fruit,
in a flowerpot that was next to it.
there it remains stopped,
waiting to germinate into something beautiful.