What emotion do you think you could personally do without and why?

Hello friends of WeekendExperiences. 😉
Emotions are those feelings that allow us or do not allow us to live or survive each moment of our lives, sometimes they stop us or push us to achieve our goals and that is why my participation for this week is about:
What emotion do you think you could personally do without and why? How would it improve your life and what challenges would removing it bring? Use your own photos.
One of the strongest emotions that we humans feel is FEAR, and personally, it is one of the emotions that I wish I did not feel, and fear often brings fatal consequences to our lives, such as: feeling fear towards a snake and being paralyzed when you see it, this gives this powerful animal the advantage of attacking you and you will suffer the consequences.
But there is also the other part of fear that makes you react in a violent way and kill the animal, we do not know these reactions in us until we feel them and it is there where we see the importance of feeling fear since it helps us react to a real and imminent threat, such as a wild animal or an accident.
On the other hand, there is the deep fear of wanting to try many things and feeling that enormous fear of failing and this leads you to not even bother to try, there is also the fear of making friends or relationships of any kind and being betrayed and not to mention the fear of the future, that fear of thinking about what might happen.
I think that all human beings feel a great variety of fears and that we fight with them day by day and we make the greatest effort to overcome those fears and fight for everything that we want or need in our lives, and I start to think about the consequences or advantages that not feeling fear would bring 🤔
Just imagining all the advantages I would have by not feeling fear would be wonderful, I would be more willing to take risks, to face challenges and with this I would overcome obstacles more easily, I would stop feeling so much stress and perhaps I would have much more peace of mind for my life, but this is thinking about it in a positive way.
Now thinking in a negative way, studying the consequences, perhaps not feeling fear would make me a very reckless person, I would ignore all those warnings that fear gives us to feel the dangers and I would lose my survival instinct and this would lead me to consequences as fatal as death.
An example would be when driving, I like speed a lot but I know that when I drive I must do it with caution because when I feel fear I think about the consequences of crashing or running over someone, so by not feeling fear I would not mind driving at high speeds and I would not mind anything that could happen.
And thinking about it so much, I get scared just by not feeling fear, and that is where I see the importance of feeling this emotion, fear protects us from possible dangers, it helps us make decisions in times of risk, that is why it is important not to eliminate fear completely, but to learn to manage it in a healthy and constructive way ❤️

The photos shared here are my property taken with my iPhone 11 phone, for English translation use Google Translate
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