Weekend Topics: WEEK 218 personality and music

Happy day to all in this new entry where being and music are fundamental in my life.

A good person for me is not to harm anyone, the less damage we cause we are respecting the other. Helping and serving is also, particularly social action for me is important in addition to the family values of supporting those in need.
My current profession is to serve others by helping them in their personal development, to find themselves and integrate with their own being, to relate in the best way and to respect life in all its forms, which also gives them the opportunity to integrate with everything that surrounds them. Discovering genetic potentials and living to the fullest are the flags, from dance, joy, music and group meetings.

Doing my work with love, passion and feeling that it is a life mission, make me a good person, who wants the integral welfare of all those to whom I have the opportunity to make known the Biodanza system.
But I also serve in other community spaces and with people with disabilities, doing educational and recreational activities. In my daily life I also do it as a daily thing, with those around me.
Being this way, as I am, with the authenticity that characterizes me, gives me freedom and love, which also translates into integral health and healthy relationships, which is positive.

De la música,

To say that it is good or bad, I am not a musician and I respect the preferences of each person, however as a biodance teacher I have to distinguish when a music is organic and when it is not.
It is called organic that music that presents biological attributes of fluidity, rhythm, tone, harmony, with cenesthetic effects that awaken sentimental emotions and produce experiences in people. In Biodanza the selection obeys semantic criteria that allow the authentic expression.

It is known the effects of music on the organism of human beings, hence its influence and listening to more organic music.
When I was studying the training of Biodanza, I had trouble understanding how music affected me organically, I found the answer when my friend Erin, biodanza teacher and music teacher, who taught me that music is not only perceived by the ear but with the whole body, with the body tissues, from there I felt the music in me and its transformative power in my body.

Thank you for making it this far and taking the time to read my post, until the next installment.

• Banners and layouts in Canva with the elements available in its free version
• Translated with www.DeepL.com (free versión)

• Photos taken with my Redmi cell phone

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