Nice day for everyone, according to today, I just declared that we have to smile to be happier, although we spend very busy days that we even forget the positive emotions that our mind needs to live a full life, to release stress, I don't know how many of us are so focused on something that we forget to smile, or we are so focused on perfection that we forget that it is also necessary to open space to the important of living life.Happiness is not affordable but there are internal ways to feel it, for this it is necessary to feel good about ourselves, a lot of different things, in each person happiness is different, there are variations in each personality, but what we agree on is that it should not depend on external agents to feel it, smiling has been shown to make a part of happiness turn on, beyond purely earthly matters, there is a consciousness far beyond, being at peace, appreciating your breath, and many more things that allow us to , here smiling is highly acclaimed and your brain is one of the ones that will thank you greatly.