Social Media Challenge | Death comes back once again! 😜


This week I brought a battle, where I used a very good Splinter not that the ruleset will allow too much options here, so it will be important to avoid a full mirror match against my opponent. The low mana cap also makes this much more difficult, but I hope I will manage to surprise my opponent.
Hope you will enjoy the battle like I did! 😇
The mana cap was 29, which is not that much and that is one of the (many) reason that I like to play with the Death Splinter. They are filled with low mana cost and powerful monsters, but you need to use good strategy with them, because they are quite weak and fragile. 😊
The Aim True ruleset is quite interesting, because all the monsters will hit their target without missing them, so it is important to attack first before my opponent monsters. That is why I used the Clockwork Aide to get some Speed advantage over the enemy monsters.
The Maneuvers ruleset will give the Reach ability, to all the monsters on the battlefield, which means that all the Melee attack monsters were able to attack from the second position as well.
The Ferocity will make the monsters with the Taunt ability useless, because all the monsters on the battlefield will deal double damage against them. 😁
**My lineup and the decision behind it!**
I picked Octavia Shadowmeld as my Summoner, because I wanted to use a Gladiator card and this Summoner would allow the use of one. She will also decrease the Health of all of the enemy monsters by one, which is quite good especially in a low mana battle like this one. 😊
The Cursed Windeku is one of the strongest and cheapest tank within the Death Splinter and he is crazy good. His 6 mana cost gives +2 Melee attack and 10 Health, so he will be able to sustain a lot of damage.
He also has the Thorns ability, so if an enemy Melee attack mosnters deal attack to him he will reflect two attack damage back to them. 😇
I used the Trapp Falloway for this battle, because on its own and in the first position he is quite weak, but with the Reach ability from the ruleset makes him quite dangerous. He ahs very good damage and Speed and on top of that he has the Bloodlust ability as well, so if he manages to kill his target he will increase his own stat by one permanently. 🤗
The Ravenhood Warden is a Ranged attack monster and he is quite a good one with his +2 Ranged attack damage. He also has two very powerful ability, which is the Protect (he will give +2 Armor to all of his friendly monsters) and the Inspire (he will increase the Melee attack on his friendly monsters by one). 😌
I knew that I need to use a bit of different strategy than my opponent would have in order to win this battle, because their was a huge chance that my opponent will bring similar monsters like me. The Clockwork Aide doesn't have any attack on its own, but he has the Swiftness ability, which will increase the Speed of all of his friendly monsters by one. Hopefully that would be enough to overpower my opponent attacking first in every round. 👍
The Weirding Warrior cost only two mana and has one Ranged attack damage, but at least he also has the Shatter ability, which means if he hit his target he will destroy all of their Armor no matter how much he damaged to them. 😆
The Corpse Fiend has only one very good ability and that is his mana cost, because he cost zero mana and has one Melee attack paired with one Health. He is good to block one attack from the enemy monsters if its come to that.😉

My opponent brought Thaddius Brood who cost only 4 mana and his special abilities is to decrease the Magic and Ranged attack of the my monsters, which is quite powerful if I would bring a lot of Magic attack monster. 😒
In the first round both of our monsters started attacking each others Windeku, but luckily my monsters were a bit quicker than my opponent, because I used the Clockwork Aide and benefited a lot from his Speed buff. That is why my team managed to kill their tank first and mine survived this round. 😊
At the beginning of the second round my team killed their Dark Arborist who was a Magic attack monster with some debuff against my Melee attack monsters. My Windeku was able to kill their Venari Bonesmith as well on one Health, before he died heroicly at the end of the second round, but my opponent also lost his Arachne Weaver.
Only two monsters left in the enemy team with only one Health each, so it was quite easy for my team to kill them and won this battle.
The Speed difference played a huge role in this low mana cap battle, because most of the monsters had very limited Health, so whoever attacked first had the upper hand over his enemies. Even though my Clockwork could not attack he decided the outcome of the battle easily. 😇

I like to help new players 😉, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up and also write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉

Thank you so much that you took the time to read my Social Media Challenge for this week. 🙏 *I hope it was informative and you liked it.* 🤞
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