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Hello Moon Kart Racers! There are a lot of NFTs in Arcade Colony Moon Karts. There are the karts, drivers, tech and accessories. Each of these cards boost the race performance. In these post, we'll look at these in detail.
Maximum Stats
A racing gear (combination of karts, drivers and other NFTs has a max speed of 330 and acceleration, health and handling of 250. Each of these stats are influenced by NFTs. Speed is influenced by karts, 50% or 165; driver 12% or 39.6; engine booster 25% or 82.5 and so on. The total influence of all NFTs is 100%. The same goes for other stats and NFT influence. These numbers are the maximum stats your racing gear will get. Meaning these are the ideal stats of a max legendary card.
From the table above, a kart's maximum stats will be 165 (50% of 330), acceleration, health and handling of 125 (50% of 250). These will then be applied to the percentage of best value of common, rare, epic and legendary karts.
Percentage of Best Value
Each kart has a percentage of best value as follows:
For example, an Astro Kart has a 90% best value in speed, 65% in handling and 60% in health and acceleration. What do these numbers mean?
If we take the max speed of karts (50% of 330 or 165) and apply the 90%, the Astro Kart's best value, then we get 148.5 which is the maximum speed an Astro Kart can get. Let's check out the levelling of an Astro Kart.
Astro Kart Cards Required to Level Up
At level 10, the max speed of an Astro Kart is 148.5 as computed above. It decreases by 4 as the levels go down like 144.5 for level 9, 140.5 for level 8 and so on.
Each of the NFTs (kart, driver, tech and accessories) effect on the race performance are computed the same way. First the best stats are computed for the maximum level and decreases by a constant number as it goes lower in level. You can do your own math by the google sheets shared in the discord server: google sheets
Source After which you can decide which NFTs you will buy based on cost vs boost in performance they provide.