And incredible as it may seem, some mothers agreed with her. The other mother was completely devastated, you could see it on her face, she couldn't even imagine what she was thinking and feeling when she heard her child being attacked and discriminated against.
It was a big debate about the rights of both children in question.
I won't lie to you, I didn't have an opinion that day, I just sat and listened.
But today, after so many years, I will give my opinion.
Ambos niños merecen respeto y consideración, si es verdad. Pero al fin y al cabo cada uno de nosotros somos únicos, entonces tu hijo va a andar por la vida apartando a todo el que es diferente a él, así no funciona, y otra cosa, si tienes otro hijo y este es Autista, ¿qué harás? ¿Separarás a tus hijos porque por ser diferentes no podrán convivir juntos?
Como adultos no debemos ser tan egoístas y pretender aislar y esconder a esos hermosos niños azules, ignorando el gran trabajo que hay detrás de cada uno de ellos, el trabajo de las familias y especialistas que luchan día a día por proporcionarles las herramientas necesarias para hacer de ellos unos niños, jóvenes y adultos adaptables e independientes.
Ante estas situaciones, creo que lo mejor es hablar con los niños en casa, explicarles que cada persona es única, y que de diferentes formas buscamos estar en equilibrio y sentirnos bien. Explicarles el tema de forma sencilla y clara, y sembrar en ellos la inclusión y el respeto por los demás. De manera que es más fácil y más sensato educar a tu hijo sobre estos temas, que entienda que no está mal que otro niño sea diferente, porque a la visión del otro niño, el diferente eres tú.
Both children deserve respect and consideration, yes that's true. But at the end of the day each one of us is unique, so your child is going to go through life pushing away everyone who is different from him, it doesn't work that way, and another thing, if you have another child and this one is autistic, what will you do? Will you separate your children because they are different and they can't live together?
As adults we should not be so selfish and try to isolate and hide those beautiful blue children, ignoring the great work that is behind each one of them, the work of families and specialists who struggle every day to provide them with the necessary tools to make them adaptable and independent children, young people and adults.
Faced with these situations, I think the best thing to do is to talk to the children at home, explain to them that each person is unique, and that in different ways we seek to be in balance and feel good. Explain the subject to them in a simple and clear way, and instil in them inclusion and respect for others. So it is easier and more sensible to educate your child about these issues, so that they understand that it is not wrong for another child to be different, because in the other child's view, you are the one who is different.
No pretendo atacar a ninguna de las dos madres, porque al final cada cual busca lo mejor para su hijo, pero no estamos solos en este mundo y tenemos que aprender a convivir y a incluir. Creo que muchas veces estas cosas no se hacen con mala intención, sino por falta de información, pero como adultos es nuestra responsabilidad educarnos y educar a nuestros niños, porque, aunque sea sin mala intención, en la otra parte duele y mucho.
Cierro este post con una nota que he leído y que desconozco su autor original “Mamá, mi hijo pasa varias horas a la semana recibiendo terapias para que aprenda a jugar e interactuar con el tuyo, te pido por favor que solo tomes 10 minutos de tu tiempo para explicarle al tuyo cómo jugar e interactuar con él mío”
Esto ha sido todo por hoy queridos amigos.
Les deseo muchas bendiciones.
Los leo en los comentarios.
I don't mean to attack either of the two mothers, because in the end everyone is looking for the best for their child, but we are not alone in this world and we have to learn to coexist and to include. I believe that many times these things are not done with bad intentions, but because of a lack of information, but as adults it is our responsibility to educate ourselves and our children, because, even if it is without bad intentions, it hurts a lot on the other side.
I close this post with a note that I have read and that I don't know its original author Mom, my son spends several hours a week receiving therapies so that he learns to play and interact with yours, I ask you to please take just 10 minutes of your time to explain to yours how to play and interact with min.
That's all for today dear friends.
I wish you many blessings.
I read you in the comments.
Translated with