The past few days have been so nice here in Germany. It is cold but sunny and the contrast of ice in the morning with blue sky looks just awesome. As yesterday was the last day of the year Elena and I decided to do one last big walk enjoying this beautiful weather.
Here in Germany, it is allowed to use fireworks on New Year. That means that since early morning a lot of people have been trying them out. Our dog
@elchapito is very scared of the noise so we decided to go in the early morning and a bit further away than usual - on the fields between Germering and Eichenau passing the Model Airfield in Puchheim, Germany.
As it was still early morning the sun had just come up and everything was covered in frost still. The trees, the plants, and even the fence were frozen.
The entrance to this path is hidden. From the outside, you would never think that there is a trail hidden below the bridge. We walked next to the river and crossed the bridge to reach the fields. I just love the sound of the water while walking with fresh air on my face. It was freezing in the shadow and the water, there were even some small icicles.
From there we continued cross-country next to the train tracks. Chapo already wanted to run freely but as these train tracks are used frequently it was safer to have him on the leash. Once we reached the big meadows the sun came out and the frozen trees, plants and blades of grass looked even greater - reflecting the sunshine. The ice crystals glittered and shone like I had never seen before.
Most of the ground at the beginning of this path was frozen, meaning we had to walk slowly and carefully to avoid slipping. That is not that easy with Chapo on the leash who couldn't wait to run around.
Turning right we started to walk on the gravel path. Here finally we could free Chapo and he started running right away just like he never ran before. - Such a happy little cutie.
We knew that the evening would become very stressful for Chapo so the plan was to let him run and jump around as much as possible to get him tired and sleepy for the night.
Crossing the forest the sun came through the trees. The light show walking by was giving a very nice atmosphere. We were all by ourselves. Sunshine, blue sky, and fresh air. The only sounds around were our steps walking on the frozen ground, Chapo breathing and running and some birds sitting in the trees.
Walking further we reached the bigger meadows. Chapo had the time of his life running around as fast and long as possible. With the different used fields, the colors around changed from white, and green to black. But all of them were covered in a frozen blanket.
Half the way we passed one of my favorite trees. It is a big tree in the middle of nowhere. - And of course, it was all frozen! It was covered in ice crystals! What a magical place to be!
About only 10 minutes walking further we arrived at the Model Airfield of Puchheim. It is like a miniature airport for small remote-controlled planes. We were surprised how many people were there on New Year's. They were flying various flight maneuvers with their small planes.
I had never seen an airfield like that before. The tradition of this place goes back a long time. On September 7, 1953, an independent association was founded in the “Zur Post” Inn in Munich-Pasing, together with the model pilots of Munich and the surrounding area. This was later named in memory of Helmut Kermess. In addition to an asphalt runway, they also maintain a regularly mown grass runway.
We watched the planes for a while and then went on walking. The sun was up now and the temperature was rising. What a wonderful morning! About 15 minutes later we crossed another bridge and arrived the the more known gravel street.
The best comes last! - Always. If someone would have tried to build this with fake trees or something it wouldn´t look any better for sure! - so surreal!
This year we decided to not go out and don't have a big party at home. As Chapo is so scared we have to be here at 12pm anyways when all the firework comes up. Back home we prepared Raclette. A very traditional dish for New Years evening and had a great dinner reflecting the year and giving us new goals for this one.
At 12 pm we were ready and happy to watch the fireworks from our balcony. So great! Perfect ending to a perfect day. Of course we also made you a video to give you an idea of this great adventure. - Enjoy!