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The idea of LPUD - the Leo Power Up Day - is to signal how strong and long-term-minded community we are, so every 15th of the month we come together and stake our $LEO tokens to grow our social presence on InLEO.There are two types of Power-Up Challenges:
Happy LPUD Lions 🦁 Welcome to the second Leo Power Up Day in 2025!This is a reminder post for those who have been waiting for this day to power up their liquid LEO tokens or who want to buy all the LEO tokens in the market!
你现在可以用中文浏览 INLEO 🇨🇳 欢迎! 选择中文语言,请点击世界图标。第一张图片是手机界面,第二张图片是桌面界面。为了纪念这一时刻,我们诚邀您参与我们的首个中文活动! INLEO 致力于引领创新,并利用技术提升用户体验。欢迎体验我们的 AI 驱动的中文用户界面!参与活动非常简单:探索 INLEO 的网站并体验各种功能 —— 话题(Threads)、文章、社区、短视频、钱包、会员等。 INLEO 发表一篇帖子,告诉我们你希望未来在 INLEO 看到哪些创新或新技术。你的意见对我们来说非常重要!
The idea of LPUD - the Leo Power Up Day - is to signal how strong and long-term minded community we are, so every 15th of the month we come together and stake our $LEO tokens to grow our social presence on InLEO.There are two types of Power-Up Challenges: