La Sort

Sort token publication account Perpetual lottery ticket that distributes dividends 1 Ticket for every 10 Sort Tokens Gives the right to participate in multiple

Joined in 01, 2023
· 6 days ago

News of the week:We continue another week here that has been quite intense. I am still putting some things in order after returning from vacation but things are now more stable. This week on Friday there will be an **update of the SORT price** and we will see how the eventful summer has gone for us in terms of numbers. The market in general continues to swing and Hive seems a little depressed but that should not prevent us from continuing to accumulate HP in our stock.We continue another week here that has been quite intense. I am still putting some things in order after returning from vacation but things are now more stable. This week on Friday there will be an update of the SORT price and we will see how the eventful summer has gone for us in terms of numbers. The market in general continues to swing and Hive seems a little depressed but that should not prevent us from continuing to accumulate HP in our stock.We have started to **accept HP delegations to the @lasort account to distribute SORT**. We have already received 1780 delegated HP and this, together with our organic growth, means that we are already at **3,000 HP of voting power.**We have started to accept HP delegations to the @lasort account to distribute SORT. We have already received 1780 delegated HP and this, together with our organic growth, means that we are already at 3,000 HP of voting power.Our pool management is possibly what makes the difference to achieve **great returns and it is working excellently.**Our pool management is possibly what makes the difference to achieve great returns and it is working excellently.We are starting to do **opportunistic arbitrage** to improve performance.We are starting to do opportunistic arbitrage to improve performance.Investments are working very well and there are very **good options on the market.**Investments are working very well and there are very good options on the market.New tokens sold means more voting power and **better prizes coming soon.**New tokens sold means more voting power and better prizes coming soon.This week we have **added some Card specials** Stardom Play so you can do the missions.This week we have added some Card specials Stardom Play so you can do the missions.We continue to grow week by week and **improve the prizes.**We continue to grow week by week and improve the prizes.**Increase our voting power**Increase our voting power
