Culture and society as essential topics through photography and film. Cultura y sociedad como temáticas imprescindibles a través de la fotografÃa y el cine.
ENGLISHAsk for permission before, or after the photo? Or is it just better to avoid photographing strangers on the street?These were the questions I asked myself when I looked at street photography (as a viewer).I even wondered what I would do if someone took a picture of me without my consent.
ENGLISHSeeing animals locked up isn't exactly my favorite plan, but when it comes to capturing things through photography, personal preferences often take a backseat.I went to the Valencia Aquarium in Venezuela to check out the state of their facilities. I ran into a security guard who wouldn't let me take pictures.
ENGLISHTraveling and taking photos is a great combination, especially when I do it in places I've never visited. A few days ago, a friend invited me to a photography event called "Digitaliza tu ciudad" by an NGO (Digitize your city), which consisted of photographing different points of interest to then upload the material to a public platform for informational purposes.
Watch on 3SpeakESPAÑOLLa edición de video es una habilidad que he ido puliendo, y como tengo mucho material fotográfico, se me ocurrió hacer video ensayos con mis fotos construyendo narrativas con base en un guion que escribo para luego narrar con mi voz diferentes reflexiones acerca de la sociedad, existencia y fotografía.
ENGLISHClaro, aquí tienes la traducción al inglés nativo, tratando de mantener el tono y la esencia del texto original:"It had been weeks since I'd done any street photography, and I was really missing it.I went to a place I often photograph, since I run errands there, and I took the opportunity to bring my camera.
ENGLISHPhysical exercise is something I enjoy doing, although sometimes I go through periods when I don’t do it for various reasons that aren’t important here. However, when I get back to it, it’s something I really enjoy.