Veggie Combo Smoothie

Hello Hivers and Amazing Drink lovers, Welcome to my blog.
I've been making alot of sweet Smoothie but today, I just feel like making a smoothie not too good for sweet tooth. Two of my kids hated this drink because there is no sugar in it. Only my oldest son likes it. The Avocado in this drink brings out a unique taste that makes me want to drink more but I can't actually pinpoint it . Let's move over to the recipe.
Pumpkin Leaves A handful
200g Avocado Pear
200g Cucumber
2 cloves of garlic
12oz of water
These ingredients have wonderful health benefits.
Pumpkin leaves fights against cancer, convulsion, increases fertility and so Much more.
Cucumber lowers blood sugar, prevent constipation.
Avocado lower the risk of disease
from the ingredients, there's no very sweet fruits.Well that's because I feel I've taken alot of sugary foods so I decided not to add any sugary fruits.

The Recipe

Wash the Cucumber and Avocado, Peel the garlic, and slice the leaves.
put them in the blender one after the other
Add glasses of water ( 12oz)

You can substitute garlic with ginger, My stomach needs garlic at the moment.
Blend till smooth. I blended it for 7minutes.
Pour in your cup & enjoy. It's so greenish,creamy and nutritious.
Thanks for reading
Byeeeee ❤❤❤
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