Fizbo The Fabulous: My entry to "Splinterlands Art Contest Week 333!". Digital Art.

*Hey, Hey, here's the @lacochinaensalsa!*
There have been a few rounds of the Splinterlands Art Contest in which I was unable to participate for various reasons. However, I am happy to have the opportunity to participate in this round number 33. The character I have chosen seems quite funny to me and at first glance he seemed cartoonish because of his features and at the same time I said: It's Elvis! I hope you already know who I am talking about: Fizbo The Fabulous.
*It is certainly a fabulous character, I love the caricature sense that I was able to develop. I tried to take main features from the original art, to capture them in my art and thus open a similarity not so prominent. When drawing this character I asked myself: what would the creator have thought of when making the character? Maybe Elvis?...*🤔

Inspiration, Original Splinterlands Art:


Let's quickly see Drawing process:

I started by doodling a bit of the character's pose on the canvas. Then I went on to draw the semi-clean lines and then a stage of cleaning and arranging them. Once the outline was done, including details, I moved on to the base coloring stage. This step is a bit faster, I use the paint bucket tool with an extension of 2 for it. Now that that's done, I move on to the detailing stage, where I start to give light, shadows and some depth to each area. To make this step easier I use the crop layer, because I previously separated the colors into layers.
Drawing this illustration was quite fun, it made me think of Elvis. He is one of my favorite singers, I always admire his voice and his charisma. This was like a mix between Fizbo and Elvis. I tell you that for some details I have used airbrushing, blur and layers of luminosity.

Sketch and Outline:


Base coloring:


Shadows, lights and background


Finished illustration:


**For this occasion, it seems to be everything. If you made it this far, thank you very much for your time. Greetings, La Cochina en Salsa says goodbye. Device: Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ Drawing Program: MediBang Paint. Translation: Google Translator. Texts, photographs, screenshots and editions of my authorship/original content.**

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