Fan Art: Healer of Light. My favorite character, always radiant with beauty.

*Hey, Hey, here's the @lacochinaensalsa!*
I'm happy to have the opportunity to share with you this fan art I made a couple of days ago. I didn't share it before because my youngest daughter had spilled water on the laptop keyboard and I had to wait for it to dry completely before turning it on. Days of agony haha ​​🤣. But anyway, getting back to my fan art, I want to tell you that it's very pretty and feminine. I loved the result.
I have commented on multiple occasions that the Light Healer is one of my favorite characters along with the Ocean Healer, I love the color palettes they use in the character's colorimetry.

Let's quickly see Drawing process:

I started with a quick sketch that would allow me to move on to defined lines. I used an eraser to remove details and clean up. I used some special brushes for certain details, like on our Healer's Zing keychain. As for the rest, I used an airbrush in combination with the blur tool to add effects. I thought it would be a good idea to darken the background so all the highlighting would fall on my character.

Sketch and outline:

Base coloring:

Details, Shadows and lights


Finished illustration:


I declare myself a fan in love.

**For this occasion, it seems to be everything. If you made it this far, thank you very much for your time. Greetings, La Cochina en Salsa says goodbye. Device: Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ Drawing Program: MediBang Paint Pro. Translation: Google Translator. Texts, photographs, screenshots and editions of my authorship/original content.**
