The gap in understanding the applicability of the gospel in the "here and now" results into three forms of blindness, says Lane and Tripp. They identified these types of blindness as follows:
- Blindness of identity
- Blindness to God's provision, and
- Blindness to God's process
Blindness of Identity
The blindness of identity means the lack of gospel perspective of who we really are. Just like the theological educator in our previous story, his identity is more based on his knowledge and achievement rather than the gospel of Jesus Christ. This absence of gospel identity manifests in two ways:
- Taking the indwelling presence of sin for granted, and
- Failure to see our identity in Christ
As a result of taking the indwelling presence of sin for granted, many Christians are no longer involved in their daily fight against sin. As such, they no longer recognize that God has already been replaced in their hearts with another idol whether it is their family, education, or whatever else. Whenever there is a problem, they tend to look at it outside of them.
If our identity in Christ is not clear, it will soon be replaced with something else such as our problems, our work, and our achievements.
Blindness to God's Provision
Recalling what Peter said in the first chapter of his second letter, we are told that God has given us "everything we need for life and godliness." What does it mean? Many Christians this day who suffer this gospel amnesia tend to relate the power of the gospel in relation to life after death and most of the time overlook its influence in the life here and now, or life before death. The text tells us that we cannot live a life that pleases God in the here and now if we neglect the provision of God. For Lane and Tripp, this provision is not just confined to the "commands, principles, and promises of Scripture," and not even "the conviction of the Holy Spirit or our our legal forgiveness." Rather, God's provision is Christ Himself. See how they relate the practical implication of this truth to the Christian's daily life:
Without an awareness of Christ's presence, we tend to live anxiously. We avoid hard things and are easily overwhelmed. But a clear sense of identity and provision gives us hope and courage to face the struggles and temptations that come our way (How People Change, 2006, p. 4).
Blindness to God's Process
God is in the business of changing lives and change is not easy. No one becomes a member of God's family a perfect man or woman. Everyone has to grow into the likeness of the Son of God. The journey to sanctification means constant warfare. And God is determined to do whatever it takes to accomplish His purpose in us. This is where we often fail. When we experience trial and pain, we don't see them as the necessary process to grow in holiness. We often think that God hates us; he has forgotten or rejected us.
Know that no one is excluded from this process of change. This is the norm in the family of God. And there is no stopping in experiencing this in this side of life. "God is always at work to complete this process in us."