Sharing my weekly Battle Challenge! Death's Silent Assassin!

Welcome to Koodies's battle weekly post, whereby I try to challenge myself to write a post to understand more about splinterlands tactics and sprinkle the wonders of splinterlands to all my readers! Game On ~



This tournament is a Bronze League Chaos Only. The match limits me to only using water, death, and dragon. The only level 2 summoner I could use in this match is Thaddius, therefore I chose it instead of Kelya so that I could use higher-level splinters.

Alright, having Xenith Monk at the 1st position as tank because he has the Heal ability at level 2. Because I wanted Windeku at the last position there wasn't any other card that is better than Xenith Monk to replace the tanker position.

Last pick - Just a fodder to block some damage. Spare mana to use

My best card for a common and rare only matchup, it has a high damage output at 3 melee damage and good enough speed.

Left with 2 mana to fill out 2 splinter slot, choose this guy because it will be able to do sneak attack with this matchup and well it comes with flying abilities to hopefully get some misses.

Just in case the opponent have a lot of melee damage splinters in his backrow team allowing my backline to get sneak attacked. His

My first selection in the battle is to have Windeku at the back to reflect melee attack from the sneak matchup.

Round 1

Okay so my opponent went with level 2 Kelya and he has a level 3 Cruel Lobster, level 3 deeplurker, level 3 disintegrator and a level 2 xenith monk. So my team is outspeed and there's a -1 melee attack ... great ... ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ.

Round 2

Lucky I have a 10 health Windeku at the last position to reflect some thorn damage back and took out his Xenith Monk with the sneaks. The thorn reflect also help to take down some of my opponent armor, allowing them to be open for my low speed sneak attackers.

Round 3

โœŒ There goes his disintegrator, alright at this stage the match is already gone, he has no way to turn it around with just his deeplurker and cruel lobster unless I misses his deeplurker for a lot of rounds which is highly impossible.

Round 4

And... GG'ed

My Battle in a nutshell

Is there anything else I can improve on?

Not so sure due to the mana and card selection limitations of Chaos Only & Common/Rare Splinters Only. It's pretty tough to select a lineup. I think my opponent has went for quantity instead of quality he might have win the match purely from the additional 1 speed and 1 shield.

Bread and Butter of Death Team

This table is generated using Koodies's Splintertools #3, created by @koodies
RulesetsSilent Sha-vi
limitation๐Ÿ”ฎ Mana: 5,๐Ÿ’— Health: 5,๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Armor: 0,โฉ Speed: 4
aim-true.png๐Ÿ‘ Nice to have
armored-up.png๐Ÿ‘ Additional Armor Why Not
back-to-basics.png๐Ÿ‘Ž It can't sneak attack
broken-arrows.pngโž– Not affected
close-range.pngโž– Not affected
earthquake.png๐Ÿ‘Ž Can survive at most 3 rounds
equalizer.png๐Ÿ‘ Probably not the splinter with the highest health
equal-opportunity.pngโž– Not affected, Sneak > Opportunity
even-stevens.png๐Ÿ‘Ž It's a Odd Mana Card
explosive-weaponry.png๐Ÿ‘ Great, couple with it's high speed and high damage
odd-ones-out.png๐Ÿ‘ Can be used as it's a Odd mana card
fog-of-war.png๐Ÿ‘Ž No GO
healed-out.pngโž– Not affected
holy-protection.png๐Ÿ‘ Nice to have
keep-your-distance.png๐Ÿ‘Ž Cannot use
little-league.png๐Ÿ‘Ž Cannot use
lost-legendaries.pngโž– Not affected
lost-magic.pngโž– Not affected
melee-mayhem.pngโž– Not really affected as it already comes with sneak
noxious-fumes.png๐Ÿ‘Ž Can only last at most 3 rounds
reverse-speed.png๐Ÿ‘Ž It has a pretty high speed
rise-of-the-commons.png๐Ÿ‘ Can be used
spreading-fury.png๐Ÿ‘ Good to have
stampede.pngโž– Not affected
super-sneak.pngโž– Not affected already have sneak ability
taking-sides.pngโž– Not affected
target-practice.pngโž– Not affected
unprotected.pngโž– Not affected
up-close-&-personal.png๐Ÿ‘ Can be used
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If you will like to try out the game, hereโ€™s my referral:
Link to my slight tweak for kiokizz splinter tool:
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