
Filmmaker, Science Fiction Lover, Script Writer, Musician and Model Maker.


Joined in 12, 2021
· 1 days ago

I was listening to a podcast today, and it was an old episode, but sounded fairly interesting. Some friends were chatting about this particular podcast from Ireland, which I'd never listened to, but this episode was brought up, and they shared it, to hear what I thought of it. Ouija BoardsI would never mess with this kind of stuff, now, I'm not saying I believe in it. I'm fairly skeptical when it comes to anything of that nature, and would rather not mess with anything that could potentially cause mental, or physical harm.Even if it's all a load of bollox, I don't see the point of messing around with that stuff, just in case it is true.The podcast though, involved a woman who recounted her story of using one at a party with some friends, and to be honest, she sounds genuinely afraid of what happened to her. She was left with this empty, kind of hollow feeling, and she is essentially displaying symptoms of depression since playing around with it. Her life has kind of been turned upside down, and she basically isn't herself anymore. She even said that there was a night after the incident when she was woken up because she was lying in bed asleep, but her eyes were wide open.There's this idea that she thinks something was invited into her life, and has been draining her.It's very strange, to be honest, and whether or not this is true, it brings up the idea that whether or not it's true, it isn't something that should be messed with.I've never played around with Ouija Boards, because to be honest, I just don't know if it's real or not, and don't want to find out, or unwittingly invite something into my life, that I have no idea how to rid myself of.In the Gaol, I've had conversations with my colleagues on the topic, and it's a big no-no down there. Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to bring something like that in and mess with it, in the building, which is a relief. I get that people out there have played around with those boards, being sceptical and n

· 3 days ago
· 3 days ago

Okay, so I said that I wouldn't be buying anymore bundles... buuut. During, the week me, Aimee and Kaleb went to the next town over for a bit of a day trip, and we decided to look in a few charity shops while there.The shops were fairly sparse as far as things go; we did see some things that were cool, but they were either overpriced, or we just weren't sure.I had no intention of buying anything anyway, but I obviously wasn't opposed to an offer I couldn't refuse. Then, in the last shop, I saw a large box of what looked like Bionicle figures.I spent today going through some of the sets, as it was the only chance in a week that I've had to do so.The box was pretty much full, and I could tell that there were a ton of characters in there, whatever they were.I was in two minds about picking it up, until I saw the sticker on the box... €10, I honestly couldn't refuse the deal, and picked it up.All I had was a backpack, so I had to ask if they could put all of it into two plastic bags for me so it was easier to carry onto the bus.Here's the figure I started building, Jawblade.It's easy to find what sets these are, due to a handy app I got recently.Google Lens. I've been able to take photos of each mask that the characters have, and with that, I'm able to get the name, set number, and with that, I can get the instructions and download the PDFs.This one was a fairly handy one to go through and build.The first thing I done last week was empty the carrier bags, one at a time, and organise the entire mixed lot into seperate sandwhich bags. Heads, and Masks.They're so easy

· 4 days ago

Over the weekend I had some time to finish completing a few sets, and I was able to take some photos of them to list on eBay.This the Brute Prowler Attack, set, and it's really cool.It's an exclusive and fairly rare set, especially complete with all the figures. Something like this would be perfect for someone looking to do a bit of army building, on account of coming with six figures, three marines, and three brutes.I have it up for €90, and it's the same amount that others have it up for, and that it's sold for. This one, I'd gladly keep on the shelf, if it doesn't sell, but I'd like to make a few bob too, so either way, I'm happy.The vehicle looks cool, and can easily fit all three brutes on it.One driver, a gunner, and then one on the side. These vehicles were introduced in Halo 3, and I fondly remember using them in the campaign, and in multiplayer.It was the covenant equivalent of the Warthog.This is the Chopper Attack, set.The set is complete, but sadly, I'm missing the bubble shield from it. I could order one online, but it's not really worth it, as the vehicle and figures go for a decent price regardless.There are many sets that collectors will buy multiples of, so they can build custom vehicles and dioramas, so sometimes, a buyer may not care if a set is complete, so long as the main pieces are all there.It's a great vehicle, and is complete from what I can see.This is another vehicle I fondly remember using in the games. It's the Brute equivalent of the Covenant ghost, but it drives very differently because of the wheels.Here's another set, Guilty Spark, and Flood.Guilty Spark is missing a small piece, he has a blue eye piece, but is suppos

· 5 days ago

Aimee has been under a lot of pressure recently; she is fully qualified as a stylist as of the end of May, and the stress of it really got to her.She's doing the same days, and hours as when she was a trainee, but now has a lot of responsibility and a ton of stress that comes with that, and the type of work it is. One wrong cut and she could get complaints and would have the guilt of ruining someone's hair. Asking For Days To Be CutShe was looking to drop a day, in order to get some more time to herself, and that we could all spend as a family, as opposed to the few hours we get in the evening. But, since she's so new as a fully qualified stylist, she was told she had to build up her speed, and experience, even though the pressure of everything has slowed her down, given her some bad anxiety, and in general, been making her miserable.Close to quitting, we discussed it a good few times, and I'd be in support of whatever decision she made, but did suggest exhausting all possible solutions to the issue, before making any drastic decisions. After spending so many years studying, and training, it would be a shame to throw it all away, but her mental, and physical health is more important than a job she's starting to dislike. So, it's a bit of a tough call to make.Some long discussions and a lot of thinking led her to make a trip to the doctors, to see if they could potentially sign her off for one day. She was honest with them about her situation, and the doctor actually gave her 2 weeks off, to get herself together, and just de-stress in general.First Week OffIt has been really good for her so far. The days I was off were great, and we were able to spend some great time together as a family, taking Kaleb out, and in general just relaxing. It's kind of funny, she has been trying to cut her time, as I've been taking more time in work, picking up any days, or hours that are available to take. I enjoy what I'm doing, even though in the back
