Photography and Writing [PW]
Aceh Jaya, Aceh, Indonesia
Many people seek the beauty of the sunset, capture it, share it on social media as if they already have the sun. They have tried so that there is an opportunity to see the beauty of the sun at sunset, no matter how far they are willing to travel. However, they forget that there is only one sun and it also does not belong to them but belongs to the one who created it.
Selamat pagi kawan..Sejatinya akan ada ekspresi bahagia dan sedih yang terpancar ketika kita menemukan sesuatu yang baru pertama kali kita lihat dan kita dapat. Baik itu berupa hal baik atau juga hal buruk Itu sudah menjadi fitrah seseorang dan itu kita sebut ekspresi. Tuhan menciptakan manusia dengan komplit. Namun, antara Tuhan yang menitipkan dan manusia yang menerima tentu tidak ada persoalan.
Bukit Bintang is now increasingly famous in Aceh, every day many tourist attractions appear and are always crowded with visitors. There are Date Palm Gardens, Waroeng Sangkar, Barbate Hill Park and finally Bukit Bintang Resto and Villa. This hilly area used to be rarely visited, considering this place was hot, even the trees here just were few even this is a hilly area. As I know the road leading to the hills is also a lot of garbage dumps.
Last week, when I was travelling to Aceh Besar, I got some photography objects. Starting from landscape photography about nature, children's expressions when playing with water and some of the facilities in the place. While waiting for them to play, I took the time to look around.
Read this post on for the best experienceHello travellers..In general, Aceh is a coastal province that has much beautiful scenery with beaches and sea, there are only a few inland areas that have views of mountains and rivers. The geographical location of Aceh which borders the Malacca Strait and the Indian Ocean makes Aceh more famous by the sea or related to it. Do you remember the biggest tsunami in 2004? Well, it happened in Aceh.
Hello fello hiver...Today is the last date in 2021, the next day will be a new day, 365 days we have to face it, we live it in a better way. 2021 is probably the darkest time for me in the history of writing and sharing stories on hive. Eleven months have passed in 2021, my feed is empty without a post. Seriously, this is embarrassing for me but it's already too late. I've given up regrets that I made myself and nothing can change it back. If there is a question why did it happen? then the question is too late because the answer is certainly not satisfying.