My Clinical Study of Stackitis-Stackitus Article Health Report 8675309.
There was this adrenaline-like thrill to get another piece to this growing impromptu collection of beautiful golden shiny notes. This latest mail call gift, or rather a prize in a surprise giveaway.
But there is a dark side to this. Why? Read on.

I saw this coming a while back but I needed the evidence before calling it.
Aurum Stackitus Variant had struck most members of the #silvergoldstackers community and it is a matter of time before it spreads to other corners of the greater Hive community. The spread of this variant manifest through a variety of risk vectors; the continued rise of the gold price, the affordability of gold denominated negotiable instrument, fungibility of small denominated gold, and finally it’s attractive art design.
I quietly stack gold. As a pure financial asset so it is just business to me in acquiring gold in a rational cost effective manner within my means. I have my own goals, price points and objectives that in some respects similar to my Silver bullion stacking. With having already achieved my primary silver stacking objective I can focus more funds into meeting my long Gold stacking one. I can indulge in a little more silver Collecting fun and had allocated a predetermined percentage devoted to that.

The issue was that I was drawn away from my gold stacking discipline into the subjective world of collecting gold ‘art’. Calling it 'art' was a way of saying, " I wanted it."
How did my Gold Stacking plan go arwy?
It all began in 2020 here
Post link.
There is no doubt that the recent value of Gold has got my attention in the last few years. I have accelerated stacking this behind the scenes and hope to achieve my target before I could no longer afford it.
The Goldback does solve the problem of small peer to peer gold transactions. The fungibility aspect is self explanatory being equivalent in proportion to higher denominations and the same value to note of other states. A Nevada One GoldBack can be accepted for trade if it were a Utah One GoldBack. Whether this form of money leads to actual commerce and how wide remains to be seen.

What got past my defense was the alluring beauty of these notes, Each piece have been well designed with each state’s historical figures, icons, natural and cultural elements without the overall appearing too busy.
In January 2024 I got my first Goldback from my friend Nyssacat and it was no comparison. Touching it and seeing it gave me a little adrenaline 'Hit' but I dismissed it aside right away yet the thoughts lingered on well after.
Unlike the Royal Mint’s
1981 Antigua & Barbuda Eastern Caribbean notes that are meant for pure collecting, or the
KaratBars notes that were functional as a negotiable instrument but not very attractive and little appeal with its shady past. No, these cannot compare with the GoldBacks for their instant appeal. Enthralled, I rationalized getting another when the opportunity presented itself.

That opportunity came in September of 2024 when
@summertooth initiated a call went out for a
Group buy, I sensed an excitement among the members and since there were no retailers flogging these at my side of the border this was my opportunity add another GoldBack. To my surprise I received not one but two in this
Post. The second one from
@trumpman. Oh baby! I was alarmed at my own behavior being akin to a Crack Addict getting free crack.
The next GB hit came in with my 2024
Secret Santa gift. This matter is getting out of control when my Retailer suddenly had a few Goldbacks selling from their website. I stumbled upon my solution. Up to then, each Goldback was given to me as a gift. I had to see the selling price and say, “This is for collecting and not Stacking!” three times and understood that I was paying well over 100% premium.
This therapy gave me the relief I needed. It may not work for everyone. So do your own research.
Now please pay attention to this part of my Report.
Now, some of my followers may dismiss the ideal of the existence of this insidious Stacktus variant. I understand. Therefore, further research needs volunteers and to see if
winning a free Goldback effects you please watch
this post and follow
@geneeverett. The distribution of Goldbacks will be based on future random giveaways of any form. He gives them away. You may win, and I observe and upvote the resulting posts.
@geneeverett for helping my important research.
The Stackitus Nurse.
If you, or anyone you know, are experiencing problems in dealing or coping with Stacking symptoms, side effects, or negative outcomes my clinic door will be open.
*"Because the loss of a Stacker as a loss to all of us."*
The Hive Public Health Intake Studies Division: HCW II, N.P.N, D.T.Dip , Bu.S.H.I.T PMAS Stackitis Study Group.
🚑 💉 For the Health of the Stacking Community 🚒 💊
And thank you for dropping by my clinic.
Stacking Hive, Precious metals and fun for those dark stormy days!
The #piratesunday tag is the scurvy scheme of Captain
@stokjockey for #silvergoldstackers pirates to proudly showcase their shiny booty and plunder for all to see. Landlubbers arrrh… welcomed to participate and be a Pirate at heart so open yer treasure chests an’ show us what booty yea got!
References & Sources
Photos are my own shot with an ancient 2018 Samsung SM-A530W or otherwise indicated.
P. Image under
Wiki Commons☠️🎃 Page Dividers by thekittygirl. ❄️🌞
Cameo Raven Brooch from
The Black Wardrobe.
2024 Hive 0.999 Silver Round.

Physical precious metals bullion stacking is only a part of my personal overall financial strategy. Meanwhile, collecting numismatics are a different set of objectives and strategy. Unless you are a complete nutcase as I am please, do your research before deciding to buy into any bullion or numismatic products.